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Why Does Modern Day Slavery Exist?

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Why Does Modern Day Slavery Exist?

John Michael Manzer 2-22-15 6th Period

Human Trafficking or Modern Day Slavery is growing across the world; women are being forced or are willingly going into prostitution.

Photo by fullyreclined

H.T. Across The World

  • Thialand
  • Melissa
  • Amsterdam
  • Muldova
  • Cambodia
  • America
Photo by Ludovico Cera

H.T. is growing across the world in places like: Thailand, Melissa, Amsterdam, Muldova, Cambodia, America.
Although in each location H.T. happens differently.

Photo by Eric Fischer

According to Nefarious

  • Thailand-government has billboards advertising Thailands women.
  • Muldova-they are abducted at early ages from orphanages by the local Mafia.
Photo by cal_harding

According to Nefarious Cont.

  • Amsterdam-prostitution is legal or considered business.
  • Melissa-prostitution in: Strip Clubs, Massage Parlors, Escorts, Govt. Corruption.
Photo by cal_harding

According to Nefarious Cont.

  • Cambodia-parents sell their daughters-Men/Fathers gamble, smoke, drink beer.
  • America-women sell themselves out for prostitution or they are forced to go into prostitution/Beaten, but only a very little amount of women are forced/beaten
Photo by cal_harding

Forced & Willing


A lot of women are forced into submission and then Prostitution, if not beaten they are tricked into believing somebody loves them then they turn on them(Nefarious & Man gets 5 years for Human Trafficking by Monica Vaughan).

Photo by dualdflipflop

In some cases woman choose to sell themselves to men just because they think its the easiest way to earn money at the time, but once they've done it once they can't stop.
The men that they sell them selves to can and do beat them if they don't do what the man wants.

Photo by Eliya

Human Trafficking or Modern Day Slavery is growing across the world and women are forced, beaten and are even willing to go into prostitution.

Photo by bennylin0724

Works Cited

Churchill, Theresa. "Human Service Agency Consortium Meeting Hears Presentation on Human Trafficking, Modern-day Slavery." Web. 22 Feb. 2015. .

Churchill, Theresa. "Human Service Agency Consortium Meeting Hears Presentation on Human Trafficking, Modern-day Slavery." 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. .

"Ending Human Trafficking." 14 Feb. 10. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. .

Nefarious. Exodus Cry, 2012. Film.
Vaughn, Monica. "Man Gets 5 Years for Human Trafficking." 14 Apr. 11. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. .

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