Why Franchise? It’s Time For a Change

Published on Jan 27, 2016

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Why Franchise? It’s Time For a Change

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Every day it’s the same routine:

Wake up.
Exercise (on a good day).
A doughnut and coffee for breakfast.
Drive to work in morning traffic.
Hours of reports, meetings, and gossip.
Lunch at Hot Dog on a Stick.
More hours of half-asleep reports, meetings, and gossip.
Drive home in afternoon traffic.
Watch a couple hours of network television.
Set the alarm, and off to bed – just to do it all again the next day.

Topics of Discussion

  • Switch it Up!
  • Why Franchise?
  • Which Franchise?

1. If this sounds like you, and you’re tired of the same old routine, it’s time to make a change. We don’t mean go ask your boss for a promotion. Don’t switch to cable instead of network television. Don’t eat cereal instead of a doughnut. (Although you could go to the gym more.)

This change should be huge. This change has to include new opportunities. This change has to mean a new reason to wake up every morning. This change could be considering a restaurant franchise opportunity.

2. Restaurant franchise opportunities are available all around you. Most chain stores you see in your area are managed by local franchisees. Instead of following someone else’s orders, franchisees manage their own business. Go from being a lowly employee to being the boss.
Gaining control over your future is a great way to change up the daily routine! All that’s left to decide is which restaurant franchise opportunity you want to take advantage of.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

3. There are literally hundreds of options, but you should pick a franchise that you already know and love. Remember your daily routine? If you love eating out every day and you frequent delicious stores such as Hot Dog on a Stick, we’ve got good news for you. We’re looking for franchisees!

Disclaimer: This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for information purposes only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are a resident of or want to locate a franchise in one of these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your state. Franchise offerings are made by Franchise Disclosure Document only.