Plant-based living is more sustainable way of feeding the human family,
With rising global food and water insecurity due to myriad of environmental and socio-economic problems, there's never been a better time to adopt a more sustainable way of living,
Avoiding animal products is the simplest way to take a stand against inefficient food systems which disproportionately affects the poorest people all over the world.
The production of dairy products necessitates the death of countless male calves that are of no use to the diary farmer, as well as the premature death of cows slaughtered when their milk production decreases,
Even 'ethical' or 'free range' eggs involve the killing of the 'unnecessary' male chicks when just a day old,
It's tempting to want to believe that the meat we eat is ethical, that our 'food animals' have lived full, happy lives and that they have experience no pain or fear at the slaughterhouse. Yet the sad truth is that all living creatures (even those labelled 'free range' or 'organic') fear death, just as we do.
The good news is there is something we can do about it. Every time we shop or order food in a restaurant- every time we eat- we can choose to help these animals. Every time we make the switch from animal product to vegan one we are standing up for farmed animals everywhere.