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Why I Fly

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Why I fly and the beauty of it.


Why I Fly

Lance P. Schneider
Photo by J Labrador

It's all about Perspective

A changed view brings a changed attitude.
Photo by chasedekker

Freedom and Release

Let go of the ropes which hold you.

Beauty and Symmetry

The earth has it all, so look at it!
Photo by Matthew Fang

It is Highly Technical and Symmetrical

Why are they smiling?

Beauty in Symmetry

The earth is infinite in beauty and symmetry.
Photo by jenny downing

Reflections on the Soul

Views from above allow a reflection on the self


Confidence and Satisfaction
Photo by Global Jet

Lifetime Learning

One can never know everything!


You've got a lot to see and do, get busy and fly away!
Photo by VinothChandar