a strong artistic leaning
- trying something new
- taking risks
- putting new things together
- using unusual tools or colors
- thinking differently
- Maya Angelou wrote that,
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
Creativity is NOT something for the chosen few.
Creativity can be cultivated.
Creativity means making connections
What does art mean to you?
- Art is a way to express feelings you can’t describe with words.
- Art is a place to be curious and experimental without fear of consequences.
- Self expression is essential to a happy life.
- Art truly can heal; it can soothe pain, ease grief, soften rough edges, even change lives.
- Art opens doors you can’t even imagine until you start making it.
How we think about our creativity and drawing
- Our minds are fixed:
- I avoid challenges
- I can't draw I'm not creative
- I don't want to work that hard/That's doing too much
- I'm not good enough
- I don't want to look stupid so I don't ask questions
- I'll just make a mistake
Changing our MIND SET
- I'm going to try even though it's hard
- I'm going to ask for help or find a video/tutorial
- working hard will help me learn to draw better/I'll feel more successful
- what can I do to make it better/ask for help/tutorial/video
- Maybe someone else feels the same way/has the same question
- Mistakes help me learn
- pinterest/instagram
- books
- take photos/use camera as a view finder
- artists
- everyday life
- colors
- feelings, words
- sketchbooks/viewfinders/previous paintings
- games, creativity exercises, poetry
- brainstorming/word associations
- what makes you happy, what brings you joy?
what lights you up?
what makes you feel vibrant and excited?
what are doing when you feel the most relaxed and content?
what do you dream about (day or night)?
Finding Inspiration
- Find 10 images from at least 5 different places and record them in your sketchbook
- (do not draw a complete image or a copyrighted image)
Creative Challenge
- only 1 Rule
- don't look for inspiration beyond your own imagination.
- 1. On a practical level it’s simple, portable and needs very little materials {although you can, of course, go all out if you wish}
2. It’s a challenge that you can easily ‘win’ at, thus bolstering confidence and satisfaction
3. It’s flexible – any subject or medium will do
4. It’s meditative, encouraging focus and quieting of the mind
5. It could easily prompt further ideas
6. {The big cahuna!} It shows that not only do we have more inside us than we might assume, but that that ‘more’ is actually endless
- 36 ways to draw a tree