Facebook's cousins
- Tumblr
- Snapchat
- Instagram
- Pinterest
The tumblverse
- Is a land of communities built around common interests
- Users can follow tags, like, comment on, and reblog content
- Users can ask each other questions allowing users to build stronger personal connections
- Memes thrive on tumblr
Who uses tumblr
- Teens and young adults
- People looking for a sense of community
- Companies looking to target communities
How we can use Tumblr
- Like instagram we can post content using tags to reach a broad audience
- Partnering with highly involved users we can introduce relevant content to a thriving comminty
- We already cater to culture of fandoms, but we do so in a small way
Fandoms -- the heart of tumblr
Fandoms are where people go talk about what they saw, want to see, and fantasize about. They are communities built around desire.
Why we should target fandoms
- Most of our quizzes already do, just not the most popular ones
- Tumblr is how TV networks are bringing content to their fans in off hours
what media to use on tumblr
- Memes! aka the images you get for a quiz result
- Pictures
- Short videos
- Listicles make great new buzz
- Quizzes that play into creating a new or alternative narative
- Gifs lots of Gifs! how twos, comedy, news, porn, you name it you can gif it
Social Messaging??
- Snapchat is like the wall was for us when facebook came out, just way more or way less private
- Social messaging apps allow users to share way more than a text without the content overload of a media site.
I don't know how we can use snap chat, but CNN sure does a great job...
We want to be something people "discover"
Our Current Demographic already uses it
- We can easily leverage our current tools to create content for pinterest
- This will help us further connect with women in their mid twenties to early thirdies
Think how toos, listicles and personality quizzes