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Why Use Picture Books

Published on Nov 18, 2015

A short spark to inspire you to explore using picture books periodically in all contents.


Why Use Picture Books

In a Middle School Classroom

Books were originally for the wealthy. Why would anyone give treasure to toddlers?

Modern fiction, with realistic details, didn't appear until 300 years ago.

Childrens' Literature, as a separate genre, didn't appear until the 1800s.

As recently as the 1950s, picture books were generally moralistic with simplistic language and content.

Use Picture Books to

  • Introduce complex topics.
  • Pair new concepts and vocab with illustrations.
  • Integrate cultural and iCare connections concisely.
  • Bring your cross-curricular project to life.
  • Give ELLs, SWDs, and visual learners scaffolding.