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Wife meets Hamburny in the dive bar

Published on May 25, 2024

He politely asked what it would take to get his dick invited into the upper tickle-tunnel of my wife. He seemed like a gentleman the way he asked me for a BJ from my wife. He said he would be gentle and polite to her. He would not call her a slut, bitch or whore. He might use words like sexy, or phrases like ‘hey guys, look at these beautiful tits I am fondling’, ‘I am going to cum down your throat’, ‘one more time’, etc.

See he just wanted to get down her throat. But first he would like to expose, handle, fondle and suck her boobs in public, if that would be OK with me. So I wanted J to meet and spend time with this real sexy gentleman friend of mine. He has seen her pictures. He knows what her nipples look like. He knows she sucks cock for fun. He also knows she sucks cocks to make me happy. The guys are always happy, too.

Recently J has been getting bold and daring ME to do things. One of her dares involved me wearing her bra in public. She thinks I won’t do it, but I will on my own terms. I feel this is a great opportunity for me to put her in a compromising position! The more I think about this, the more I know this will work in my favor. I am going to wait until she has a loose sleeveless t-shirt on and then I will decide to take her up on wearing her bra in public. But I will want to wear the one she has covering her tits at that moment. J will then NOT be wearing a bra in public. I am thinking a park or car wash is the perfect place to set my plan in motion. But maybe a bowling alley bar or a dive bar would work, too. Then there is always a party at someone’s apartment… Sitting in a dingy & dark hotel night club works too, but we did that already. I was also thinking of going for the parking area by an adult store. (Those guys are horny; maybe too horny?)

In my travels I always keep an eye out for "our-kind-of-bar." I found one Bar off I70 by Richmond, IN with a free wheeling weekend crowd of guys and girls. The bartender watches and encourages guys and girls to make-out at the bar! He buys drinks to keep them in the mood. I saw a few flimsy nipple tops. The crowd seemed to like the shows. The bar was OK with it…

About a month later...

We are on our way to Indy. I am stopping at a hotel far west of Columbus tonight for a reason. This is a less expensive hotel than usual, but very near the small town club I had chosen for the old style bar in back with big bar stools and the huge booths around the walls. When I checked before, this place had a good size singles crowd of mostly younger guys. They looked to be workers and students. The people were college like; loud and easy going. I saw girls making out at the bar, mostly with guys! I saw one guy fondle a tit during his make-out session – his girlfriend, I assumed. I don’t know about the booths, I was having fun watching the girls at the bar.

At the hotel we dress for tonight. Oh no! I did not close the drapes all the way! I told J that it would be really fun for me if she put on those over size sexy shorts and her over sized front button up white sleeveless blouse tonight. J smiled and told me to not expect much from her tonight but she would dress the part for me to show her off to "some horny guy or let me massage whatever I wanted to massage." My answer was, "OK!" I went to her and massaged her shoulders for a couple minutes and then my hands slipped under her arms and began fondling her bra cups. I pushed her bra cups out of the way easily, exposing her tits to my hands. Rub rub rub tickle tickle… That went on for awhile. I loved bringing her tits out for a private party and she reacted to it by starting a hand job. But then she stopped suddenly and told me we’d have more fun later.

So we are set to go out and have some massage fun with strangers. J got dressed for me, I love that! She is smiling a lot cause she knows we will have fun tonight. J also knows she has the stop/slow down control. We leave the room holding hands. While walking I moved my hand and her hand with mine to her butt cheek. J gave me a peck on the lips as she pulled her hand free to grab my butt in the hotel parking lot. We walked the two blocks to the bar holding butt cheeks and passing a lot of people. I saw one girl hit her boyfriend for looking at J (poor guy).

J is having a fun time. She slid her hand down the back of my pants as far as as she could. I was into that so I decided to let my belt out a couple of notches while we walked. J’s hand just dropped to her wrist. Her hand is happy and so is my butt.

Getting close to the bar J pulled her hand outside my pants but still had a tight hold on my butt cheek. My hand had moved around her high waist area just shy of her blouse with the over-sized arm hole. My fingers began sliding all around her side bra area. The walk to the bar was fun for my roaming hands.

As we got to the entrance I waited to see if J would tell me to keep my hands to myself. She didn't!

The bouncer at the door was checking ID’s. He looked at mine then checked J’s ID close. He smiled and looked her up and down, stopping at her tits for awhile then her eyes.

At that point I said, "Looks like fun, huh?"

The door guy looked at her again and I continued, "She really does."

J smiled at him and we walk by him. J told me she thought he was going to explode right in front of her. J told me again no one was going to "smile" cause of her tonight.

"Not even me?" I asked. J just gave me the look.

Some of the guys look to be right at 21 and the oldest at 60 and above. Lots of good old boys to mingle with tonight. I guided her to the bar and an empty stool. I sat on the next stool with an empty one on her right side. Hello boys! Empty stool here!

This is when I took another look at the fit of her very oversize blouse. The arm holes were much larger than if she had the right size top. I could see most of her bra cup. The button front had a deep V before the first button she left buttoned. Cleavage is good! I could tell the color of her bra even in this light.

If all goes well. The crowd is going to get to see me wear her bra. J gets no bra and a white oversize blouse.

I know her bra will not clip around me so I brought some rubber bands to expand the bra hooks for me.

The bartender asked about drinks with a big grin to J. J said wine. Big glasses? She nodded yes with a smile. He stopped to introduce himself. J seemed to like him.

The hope for tonight..

Nervous is not a strong enough word for this first time meet up with an internet guy. I hope this is not a mistake. He seems real and controlled enough to make this fun. I don’t know his real name yet but that will happen. Should I let J in on the surprise I have coming for her? She will ask his name and I don’t know it yet so I will not tell her.

I told Hamburgny, that’s his screen name, the area and the bar’s name we would stop tonight in hopes he will be able to show. He scheduled himself in the area for this meetup. I have my phone set on the site we communicate on in case he needs more help. I have not let him know our hotel. I must know he is trust worthy and J must let us play her up before he finds out that info. He says he has greying hair and wears glasses, average height and good size dick. So I am hoping any guy I see with glasses and grey hair is him.

She finished drinking the wine and asked for another. When the bartender returned a guy moved next to J to order a drink. While waiting he asked J if she ever danced. J told him she liked to dance. J looked at me and smiled. I leaned over to tell him anytime she wanted to dance it was fine with me. He told her his name was Todd and he loved to dance with beautiful women like her. J said thanks. She continued to talk to him with me fading into the background. I moved my stool away enough to stand next to J. I like that more than sitting while we/she talk. Todd is targeting her. This is always fun to watch.

I start to scratch her back through her blouse while he is focused on her. He glanced at my hand a couple of times. He looked me in the eye each time. I had her blouse all moved around before I left to take a piss. When I got back his friend had joined the targeting party. He was in my spot on her left so I moved behind her and put my hand on her shoulder so she knew I was back and he knew I was with her. J turned to me to introduce her "new" friend, Dainis. J smiled at him then asked me for another wine.

Putting her hand on his chest, J said, "Isn’t he gorgeous?"

Her drinking smile was showing already. He said I was lucky to have a beautiful and sexy wife. I asked if J was being a gracious host. Dainis put his hand on her left leg smiled and said she is perfect. Todd from her right side chimed in that she was the best hostess around! Dainis looked at J then and said that she is a great hot hostess too.

This got me hard! Where is Hamburgny! He may miss out..I messaged him to hurry.

They kept up all the chatter and touching for an hour while I massaged her back and shoulders. I would reach around to fondle her tits from the bottom but no bra move because I was holding back for Hamburgny’s arrival…

two more messages to Hambugny but nothing back.

Another message to Hamburgny: "Her boobs are getting ready to make an appearance, hurry!"

J is on her 5th large wine now. I am happy for Todd and Dainis. Not happy about Hamburgny’a absence.

It turns out Todd and Dainis are not friends. They just spotted J at the bar. J is having a lot of fun with them. She likes the sparring going on between them.

I am lightly scratching her back again, did not know what else to do with the guys trying to move in on her. Dainis seems to own her left leg from knee to thigh. Todd is too slow and only has her hand when she reaches out to him. J knows what she is doing! Todd is OK but Dainis is Hot! Todd can stay but it will be only to watch the main event.

She smiles at me every so often.

J asked me if it was getting hot in the bar. I agreed it was so she then undid another upper blouse button. Dainis offered to help her with her buttons! Todd is just watching and smiling. J looked at Dainis then re-buttoned all her blouse buttons. OK Dainis what will make me not as hot? J is smiling at me waiting for an answer from him.

"Nothing will make you not as hot, but I can cool you off," He said while getting close to her face.

J says, "Dainis, show me how to be cool and hot at the same time."

Dainis reached for her blouse then he paused holding her button in his fingers to look at me with a questioning look. I smiled, told him it was her party so listen to her.

J smiled and said OK then show us.

Dainis undid her center button that left 3 above and 3 below. He used both hands to look inside her blouse. Dainis opened the button above and again looked in while brushing her tits with his palms. Now it is 2 above and 3 left below center blouse. Todd tried to reach for a button but Dainis told him to just point at the next button for him to open. J said yes point to a button. It was the next lower button. Dainis opened that one as J held Todd’s hand and pointed at the next lower button with his shy finger. One button below and 2 above with the middle 4 open. J took Todd’s hand again he is not fighting her as his finger touches her bra covered nipple. J lets go of Todd’s hand. He just let his hand drop away!

J leaned toward the bar and her top 2 buttons looked to be a normal above the bar for others to see. But under the bar she as open to the hands of others. Both guys are watching her for a cue.

I took this opportunity to reach in and opened the final lower button. I then pulled her blouse out of her shorts. J turned to me and said thank you honey. She has her blouse hanging open from the 2nd button down. It kind of looks like an open tent/tit flap.

She asked the guys to buy her another drink. She got 2 drinks set in-front of her and the bar tender told her the next drink was on him! (what does he want?)

J took both Todd’s hand then Dainis’s hand she placed each on her upper leg. I need to thank you for the drinks she smiled. The guys began jockeying for location, Dainis found the shorts loose leg first! He got his hand in and at the same time tightened the other leg opening to keep Todd out! J then put Todds hand on her tit under the blouse over the bra. Dainis is getting a wet finger right there in the bar! Todd has a bra clad tit (Todd the looser). I am massaging J’s back but stop to msg Hamburgny again. Nothing back, but Dainis seems to be checking his phone now with his free hand.

Our bartender called me over to say she needs to tone it down while a certain group is in here. He loves the show but we need to listen to his instructions right now. We can play a lot more in a bit. He also asked how he gets invited to the party?

I told the guys to pull back from her. Then I told Dainis and Todd the bar tender told me to cool it till he gives the go ahead again. Both guys smiled and Dainis said we have a go-ahead to to handle her in here? Yes but she is in control of of your fondling, you understand?



I then told them J loves to give BJ’s to guys she meets! just wait for the go "4head"

Dainis went to the piss room. Todd was afraid to leave her side.

That is when Hamburgny finally messaged me. " I am sorry it took so long to answer. I am busy with a beautiful wife that has great tits, an understanding husband and a sexy mouthagina. I have been using her tits and pussy to get her ready. She is going to give me a blow job right here in the bar! This wife is hot. Thanks for trying so hard to get hold of me but your wife will get hold of me soon. I know you are a great friend."

I began to think, "your wife?"

Then a moment later a new message: "forgot to sign last text, Dainis."

Then a smiley face.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:







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