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Wildlife Forensic Scientist

Published on Nov 18, 2015

My presentation, M'kay.


Wildlife Forensic Scientist

by Jake Seal    03/9/2014
Photo by Ian Sane

What exactly do you do?

  •  A wildlife forensic scientist studies the evidence presented by wildlife.
  • They study the affects of poaching and other man-made disasters on animals.
Photo by BSH Shooter

How much do they make?

$32,534 - $89,217

Will the job grow?

Yes, the BLS predicts that there will be a 19% increase from 2010 - 2020!
Photo by illuminaut

Well where do I work?

  • A better question would be , "Where won't I work?"
  • You will work in all kind of areas. Anything from forests,deserts, and
  • oceans to sewers, abandoned houses, military bases, and labs
Photo by martinak15

What do I need for the job?

  • A bachelor's degree in science. It is preferred that you have a master's de
  • degree
  • It is preffered that you have experience in the forensic field.
Photo by Michael Leza

Similar Jobs

  • Any type of forensic scientist.
  • Forensic Technologist
  • Crime Scene Investegator