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Williams P.d 4 Invasive Species Poster!

Published on Sep 26, 2022

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"Wanted." Japanese Barberry/Berberis thunbergii

Dead or Alive? By: Maya Williams

Identifying Characteristics! (Scroll up/down)

  • Fruit appear around mid-summer and are bright red in color, oval-to-egg shaped, and about 0.4” long. The inner wood and roots are bright yellow in color.
  • Shrubs usually have multiple stems and can be upright or spreading and range from 1 to over 5’ in width. Leaves are alternately arranged in clusters, are 0.5 – 1.5” long, and oval-to-spoon shaped with smooth margins. L
  • Leaf color can be red, purple, dark green or yellow-green and differs substantially between varieties and with light availability.
  • Twigs and young branches are reddish brown, angular and grooved, and have single needle-like 0.3 – 0.5” long spines beneath each leaf cluster.
  • The inner wood and roots are bright yellow in color.

When was it last seen?

  • Japanese barberry found in natural areas
  • It most frequently has dark green leaves.

Japanese Barberry's Distribution Map in Midwest!

Where it's current distribution shaded.

What to find?

  • Identify the plants.
  • If you cut a stem, there is a hollow spot in the center of the stem, though it might only be the diameter of a pencil lead.
  • The shrub produces red or orange berries.


  • can increase soil nitrogen and carbon cycling rates while increasing soil alkalinity in invaded ecosystems, further impacting native plant communities
  • contributes to a humid micro-climate near the ground, which increases tick feeding activity and overall survival leading to notably larger populations.


  • Plants such as barberry, Japanese knotweed and burning bush looked great to them.
  • What they didn’t bring, of course, were the insects that eat them and keep their numbers under control in their native environments.
  • if the January thaw has melted away the snow and ice where you are, this is a good time to work on getting rid of some invasive trees and shrubs.