Causes: Wilson's disease is an inherited disorder in which there is too much copper in the bodies tissues. The excess damages the liver and nervous system.
How many people? World wide of all races and nationalities, approximately 1 in 30,000 people have Wilson's Disease. It is most common in China, Japan and Sardinia, where it may effect as many as 1 in 10,000 people.
Mom or Dad? Wilson's disease is a recessive disease, which means it occurs equally in men and woman. In order to inherit the disease, both parents much carry one genetic mutation.
Treatment? The goal of treatment is to reduce the amount if copper in the tissues. This is done by a procedure called chelation, certain medications can remove copper from the kidneys or gut. This treatment, chelation, must be life long.
Eyes: Eye and vision problems may occur. The most distinctive symptom is called Kayser-Fleisher Ring. Kayser-Fleisher Ring is a brown ring around the cornea of your eye.