Wolfgang IA2015 presentation

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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All I needed...I learned in prison

Drs. Liz Canfield, Dave Coogan, Courtnie Wolfgang: VCU

All I really need to know about pedagogy I learned in kindergarten...

be aware of...

Photo by Great Beyond

reimagine pedagogy and curricula as DYNAMIC

share everything

Photo by ryancr

reimagine pedagogy and curricula where honesty, inquiry, and transparency prevail

Photo by sallysue

stick together

reimagine pedagogy and curricula as building sustainable support networks for thinking and becoming

Photo by Sam Sanford

Untitled Slide

1. Expand the definition of a worthwhile life

Photo by rkramer62

2. Engender respect for and delight in the gifts of others

Photo by rkramer62

3. Increase awareness of the wide variety of choices available in life for all ... particularly students

Photo by rkramer62

4. Encourage each individual to build upon his or her own special knowledge and inner strengths

Photo by rkramer62

5. Promote the use of innate intelligence, intuition, self-exploration, and creative self-reliance

Photo by rkramer62

6. Confirm the great hunger for finding out just what each of us can do best, in our own voice, at any age

Photo by rkramer62

7. Empower the individual to choose to do that something really, really well

Photo by rkramer62

courtnie wolfgang

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