The Industry of Wool
Wool is a fiber contained by sheep and other animals.Per year there is about 1.3 million produced,only 60% got to appeal. In the foreign wool industry Australia and new Zealand are the leading producers of the wool industry and china comes in third.
In the U.S. Texas ,New Mexico ,and colorado have a large commercial sheep.
The importance of sheep and wool.
Sheep and wool are important to the industry of wool because they make the industry rich obviously, and make up 60% of the clothing , bed sheets etc. They also help make thick clothing for the harsh winters in cold places boosting up the wool industry .
Types of wool
Merino- soft highly sought after fiber from sheep breed specifically for their fine fleece. Also flam retardant and water resistant.
Smart wool- made from the merino fiber like the merino wool but has not bee treated so doesn't shrink
Corriedale- comes for large sheep. Merino ewes are breed with Lincoln Leicester males. Fleece should be white has a definite scrimp .
Lincoln- ideal for welts in weaving as the yarn is smooth silky and strong.
Border Lincoln- they are an elegant long wool breed with highly lustrous fleece.the wool is long enough to be spared over a year or two.