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word conversation group 3b

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by ginnerobot


To enjoy doing something from time to time, but you are not an expert at it.

George likes to dabble in painting, but his true love is gardening.

Is someone dabbling in something in the following situations?

* A woman paints once or twice a year.
* A man loves to cook all the time.
* A woman goes bowling once in a while
* A man reads a book every week.


To be able to tell the difference between things.

Only their mother can distinguish the puppies from one another.

Which would be hardest to distinguish between?

a. a younger brother from an older brother
b. a sister from her brother
c. one twin from the other twin
d. an older sister from a younger sister


To be very funny.

Simone's mom loves telling hilarious stories.

What might you find hilarious, a book of jokes or a mystery novel?

Are chimpanzee's hilarious antics endearing?


To look or be a lot alike.

As identical twins, Chester and Chad share a very strong likeness.

Could you distinguish between zebras that had a very strong likeness?

Which animal pair shares the greatest likeness?
a. a dog and a wolf
b. a cat and an eagle
c. a worm and a rat
d. a beetle and a rabbit


Something bad that has happened that is hard to go through.

The soldier helped Carlos survive the ordeal of the flood.

Mishap and ordeal are both bad things that can happen to you but differ in how serious they are. Determine if the following examples are a mishap or an ordeal:

*Wearing a cast on my leg for six months was a huge___.
* I had a little ___ on my way to school this morning.
* I'm pretty clumsy, so I have one ___ after another.
* I wouldn't wish this ___ on my worst enemy.