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Wordly Wise 3000 B_1

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Aboard: in a ship, train or airplane

Jason jumped aboard the train just before the doors closed.

Aloft: high in the air
Sue's kite floated aloft as she let out more string.

Photo by nixter

Blast: a strong wind or movement of air
An icy blast
blew into the room when Isaiah opened the door.

Photo by TheeErin

Blast: a loud noise
The whistle gave two blasts and the train
began to move away from the station.

Photo by ThePitcher

Blast: to blow something up
The tunnel workers needed to blast this tunnel in order to do some repairs

Photo by sciencectn

Cautious: to be
careful in order to avoid
mistakes, danger
, or trouble
Adriana and Jason were cautious while crossing the street.

Girder: a large, strong piece of wood or metal
The steel girders
support the railroad bridge.

Photo by gregor_y

Inventor: a person who thinks up or makes something for the first time.
Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb

Photo by crises_crs

Rotate: to turn in a circle around a center
Rotate: to take turns in a certain order

Photo by pshmell

Story: a report of something that happened
-the space or rooms that make up
a level of a building
The Empire State building has 102 stories.

Photo by ChrisGoldNY

Strand: one of the
threads that
are twisted together to make
string, yarn or rope.

Photo by ashpags

Strand: to leave in a difficult or helpless situation
The snowstorm left the couple stranded for hours.

a building that is taller than it is wide.
During a trip to Paris we visited the Eiffel Tower.

Photo by Anirudh Koul

Tower: to rise high in the air.
At 6ft 5in. the basketball player towered over Ms. Goss.