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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by knight_killer


  • There is the Supreme Being who is both Creator and product of creation
  • The universe was made by Brahma, kept by Vishnu, and destroyed by Shiva
  • This is not the first world there are many other worlds
  • Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others
  • Hindus believe in salvation by God from the punishment of reincarnation

Photo by nabeel_yoosuf


  • There is only true creator, the holy God
  • Only God created the world and in seven days
  • There is just God's palace, heaven, our earth, and hell, the damned realm
  • Christians believe the only way to salvation is through their religion
  • Christians believe following God is rewarded by holy life after death


Photo by knight_killer


  • The Trimurti (trinity) of the Highest Being is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
  • Lord Shiva, the destroyer will eventually destroy the world and make anew 
  • Hindus follow a sacred text, the Four Vedas the word of God
  • We have to live on earth with good conduct so we will not have bad karma
  • If we have bad karma we will be punished by being infinitely reincarnated 
Photo by iamrawat


  • There is a Holy Trinity of God: God the father, the son, and the spirit
  • When God returns to claim the holy he will later destroy earth
  • Christians follow a sacred text believed to be God's word, The Holy Bible
  • We must practice good conduct on earth or God will punish us
  • If good conduct is not practiced we will be eternally damned to hell
Photo by arnabg



HINDUISM (Rigveda)

  •  Hymns are recited at weddings, religious ceremonies, in Hindu culture  
  • The Rigveda tells the social, religious, and political aspects of humanity 
  • Monist text that in detail talks about the Supreme God and the three gods
  • Provides followers with fluid antithesis view of god 

Christianity (Genesis)

  • Verses are read, recited, and remembered by followers
  • The book of Genesis narrates creation along with other tales
  • Strictly monotheistic  
  • Gives followers strict and clear view of their God and his attributes
Photo by *Muhammad*




  • Thirmurthi (trinity/triad), the three forms of God
  • Goddess/Mother of all, Mari Amman
  • Belief of following the laws of God leads to liberation/salvation
  • Disobeying God results in punishment: reincarnation
Photo by sowri


  • The Holy Trinity, the three forms of God
  • Goddess/Mother of all, Virgin Mary
  • Belief of following the laws of God leads to liberation/salvation
  • Disobeying God results in punishment: eternal damnation
Photo by vgm8383

literary structure

Photo by atxryan

Hinduism (RigVeda)

  • Collection of 1,000 hymns and stories of the worlds creation
  • No true or known author
  • Originated in the Indus River Valley, a river in the Middle East
  • In creationism the Rigveda creation is described using imagery
Photo by khedmati

Christianity (Genesis)

  • First book of the Bible
  • No proof of original author
  • Originated in the Middle East
  • Book of the bible that describes creation and the laws of the Lord
  • In Genesis imagery is heavily used when describing creation

literary structure

Photo by atxryan

Hinduism (rigveda)

  • Hymns of mythology of the Hindu gods
  • Was originally written in Vedic, a Sankrit language
  • Was written by Aryans after migrating to the Indus Valley
  • The Rigveda describes the self sacrifice of the god Purusha
  • Uses antithesis to describe knowledge of who created God
Photo by rocor

christianity (Genesis)

  • Hymns that were used to sing to praise God
  • Was originally written in Aramiac, Greek, and Latin
  • Was written by Christian Jews or Palestinian
  • Describes creation, God's laws, Lucifer, etc.
  • Definate stating that no on created God and he is the highest 
Photo by Werner Kunz