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World History Top 10 Columbian Exchange Items

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TOP 10 Columbian Exchange Items



  • Slaves came from Africa
  • They are important because they were useful on plantations and used to do work
  • Slaves had an economic impact because people no longer had to pay workers to perform tasks and do their jobs


  • Sugar comes from South Asia
  • Is was was commonly used to make things like rum
  • Sugar has an economic impact because it was popular and it could sell well.

3. (OXen

  • Oxen were brought to the Americas from Africa and Asia
  • Oxen and other work animals were very important because they helped plow fields, and assisted with other tasks around the plantation
  • These animals economically impacted the New World because these work animals allowed worked to be done faster and more conveniently


  • Potatoes originally came from the Andes in South America
  • It is one of the most important crops brought to the Old World
  • The potato had an economic impact on the New World because without it, the population in Europe probably would not have increased
Photo by Rev.Dr.Seb

5. DISEASe - Small pox

  • Diseases had a negative impact on the New World. Many people caught diseases such as small pox and that reduced population
  • This impacted the New World because when people caught diseases this reduced population and less people purchased things.
Photo by martinak15


  • The coffee plant originally came from Ethiopia
  • Coffee was crucial in the New World because it was very popular and most people drank it.
  • This item had an impact in the New World because drinking coffee became part of everyday life and there was a demand for it.


  • Wheat originated in Southwestern Asia
  • Along with rice, wheat wait the most planted field crop.
  • Since it was so popular, wheat was important in the New World because it was a great source of carbohydrates and it was highly demanded.
Photo by Claudio.Ar


  • Peanuts were first discovered in Brazil.
  • They became an important "staple crop" in Western Africa, since they add protein to soups and stews. They can also be pressed into cooking oil.
  • Peanuts had an economic impact in the New World, because peanuts were very popular and plantation owners could make a profit from these crops.
Photo by EuroMagic


  • There are grapes native to Europe, Asia, and North America. Most Wine grapes came from European/ Middle Eastern species.
  • Grapes were important because they were useful for making wine.
  • This fruit had an economic impact in the New World because the Wine Industry was becoming popular at the time.
Photo by joyrex

10. Corn

  • Originally called Maize, Corn was developed over 6000 years ago in Mexico.
  • Corn became one of the World's commonly harvested crop
  • Corn had an impact in the New World because it was a great plant and it was commonly harvested.
Photo by Kay Gaensler