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I chose this picture because it displays all of these different religions that are used all over the world, and i like that it shows religions that aren't predominant in the world.
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World Religions Vocab

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Religion is what people use to explain the worlds unanswerable questions.
I chose this picture because it displays all of these different religions that are used all over the world, and i like that it shows religions that aren't predominant in the world.
Photo by keepps


Someone who adheres or follows a religion.
I chose this picture because all of the sings pointing to different places can symbolize all of the different religions that people follow.
Photo by garryknight


What someone perceives as a truth.
I chose this picture for belief and tenet, because of the different way everyone around the world perceives things including religions.
Photo by Franco Folini


The belief in one god.
I chose this picture of a christian cross because in their religion they believe in only one god.


The belief in many gods.
I chose this picture because there is many candies just as in polytheism they believe in many gods.


The belief that there is no god.
I chose this picture because when christians think of god and heaven they think of the sky, and if you believe in no god then you wouldnt.
Photo by Kapungo


The belief that we cannot know if god exists.
I did this picture because they think that it is a mystery if god exists.