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WP: Democracy Is An Ideal

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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What is the ideal democracy?

In order to determine whether the idea of 'democracy is realistic, we must first find out what the idea of democracy is.

Where does the idea come from and what is it's etymology?
The word democracy comes from the Ancient Greek words "demos" meaning people, and "kratia" meaning "power".

In summary, a democracy is a government wherein every person has equal right, no matter sex, ethnicity or money, to have a say in the government's decisions.

Photo by RobertFrancis

Representative Vs Direct

Representative: a representative democracy is one in which people elect government officials to rule for them and in their interests.

Direct: direct democracy is a government in which citizens vote directly on laws and matters which affect them. Everyone participates in decision-making.

How does the UK democracy work?

Hint: We are a representative democracy

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How does the UK democracy not work? Does it prove that the idea of democracy is unrealistic?

Looking at the general election is a good way to determine this.

How does the American Democracy work?
How does the general election work?

Does it prove or disprove the idea that democracy is unrealistic and simply an ideal?

Photo by liborius

How did the Ancient Athenian democracy work?

Does it prove or disprove the idea that democracy is only an ideal and unattainable in real life?

Photo by DeeAshley

A view that the ideal democracy is unattainable:

“The unpopular answer, of course, is no. Freedom and democracy are different."
- John Wenders, Professor

Photo by VinothChandar

My opinion.

Photo by avrene