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Write from the Heart

Published on Aug 08, 2016

Help kids write their personal story right from their hearts. Generate topics for writing and convey the idea of writing by being mindful of dialogue, description and feelings.


Write from the Heart

Tell Your Story

I Remember When

Create a List Of
Photo by paloetic


  • Grandparents
  • Brothers
  • Sisters
  • Cousins
  • Mom or Dad


  • First friend
  • Best friend
  • Group of friends
  • Lost friends
  • Imaginary friends
Photo by Neal.


  • Birthdays
  • Sport events or games
  • Dance or music recitals
  • First bike ride
  • Lost tooth
  • Vacation trips
Photo by tamburix

Listen for

  • Conversation
  • Special quote
  • Sound
  • Song

Watch out for

  • Colors
  • Movement
  • Interaction between people
  • Animal's behavior
  • Nature
Photo by Will Montague

Paint a Picture

  • with your words
  • with your feelings
  • with your thoughts
Photo by Nanagyei

Write the Truth

  • How do you really feel
  • How do you view the world
  • How do you view people's interaction
Photo by courosa

Write From Your Heart

Your story is important because your life matters.
Photo by Daniel Greene