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WW1 Vocab

Published on Nov 30, 2016

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WW1 Vocab

by anna wyman


the belief that a strong military should always be readily prepared for war

Triple Alliance

ALLIANCE between gERMANY, Austria-Hungary and Italy before world war i

Triple Entente

Alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia before world war i

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

Triple Entente

Alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia before world war i

Balance of Power

an equal distribution of forces so no single nation can dominate others

Allied Powers

France, Great Britain, russia, italy, serbia, belgium, united states

Trench Warfare

a type of land warfare where both troops are in trenches facing eachother


a british luxury ship sunk by germans, led to us entering wwi


german war submarines


foreign policy of keeping away from other nations to avoid conflict or war

Fourteen Points

a post-war plan for europe, proposed by woodrow wilson

Big Four

4 main countries at the paris peace conference: USa, Britain, france, italy


payment for damages done during a war

Treaty of Versailles

officially ended wwi, punished germany and created league of nations

Sussex Pledge

germany's promise to the us that they would stop attacking innocent ships

Zimmermann Note

Germany's attempt to get mexico to attack the us so we don't join the war

Selective Service Act

us made law that required all men ages 21-30 to REGISTER for the draft

Convoy System

a group of merchant ships sailing together for security and protection


someone who believes in creating equal OPPORTUNITY for all (ex: russia)

Liberty Bonds

a type of bond issued by the us government to help finance war in europe

National War Labor Board

PREVENTED strikes in the industries that produced products for the war

Committee on Public Information

created to influence public opinion on the war & encourage people to serve


information and ideas to either help or harm a person or cause

Schneck v. United States

Schneck tried to get soldiers to be angry about draft, us put him on court


when a nation has total control over itself and its choices

League of Nations

an organization established to avoid war and non-VIOLENTLY resolve disputes

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

his ASSASSINATION triggered the start of world war 1

Kaiser wilhelm ii

german emperor during world war 1

Bernard Baruch

PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER during war, chairman of war industries board

George Creel

head of committee of public information

David Lloyd George

british prime minister during world war i

Georges Clemenceau

french prime minister during world war i

Henry Cabot Lodge

head of committee on foreign relations

Woodrow wilson

president during the war, opposed it when elected but changed his mind

John J. Pershing

commander of american expeditionary force