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Yamuna River

Published on Aug 29, 2016

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Yamuna River

By: Andrea Membreño Mendoza
Photo by Koshyk

Where is it located?

  • It is located in India.
  • It is the longest river in India which does not directly flow to the sea.

Why is it so sacred for its people?

  • The river Yamuna is connected to the religious beliefs surrounding Krishna and various stories connected with Him are found in Hindu religious texts, especially the Puranas, like that of Kaliya Daman, the subduing of Kaliya, a poisonous Nāga snake, which had inhabited the river and terrorised the people of Braja. Yamuna, according to the legends, is closely related to Lord Krishna and Mahabharata. Krishna was taken across the Yamuna on the night of his birth. Kansa, Krishna's maternal uncle planned to kill all his nephews, as his eighth nephew was predicted to be his Kāla. When Vasudeva, carrying Krishna in a basket, reaches the river Yamuna, on the extremely turbulent, rainy night of Krishna's birth, Yamuna is said to have parted to make way for Vasudeva.

Why is it called ¨The Stolen River¨

  • The god Indra Sagara stole his horse and it feeling really angry send to all children of earth go search this horse. Which was found in the underworld.

What is happening to the Yamuna River?

  • In 1909 the waters of the Yamuna were distinguishable as "clear blue", as compared to the silt-laden yellow of the Ganges. However, due to high density population growth and rapid industrialisation today Yamuna is one of the most polluted rivers in the world, especially around New Delhi, the capital of India, which dumps about 58% of its waste into the river.

What was the Supreme Court decision taken in 1996 about?

  • All water can go to the direction it natural take.

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