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Yellow Fever

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What causes the disease?
Humans acquire yellow fever through infected mosquitos

What the incubation period?
3-6 days

Photo by Dan Queiroz

What are symptoms of Yellow Fever?
Sudden fever, chills, severe headache, back pain, general body aches, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, and weakness

Photo by Toastwife

Are symptoms the same for men and women?
Yes, the disease and treatment is symptomatic

Photo by Leo Reynolds

How is this disease spread?
Infected mosquitos

Does this disease cause a rapid decline in health?
People show symptoms within 3 and 5 days of being infected.

How has modern medicine effected the death rate?
Vaccines help immunize people to the disease

Are there varying strands that are hard to treat?
Yes, not all cases of yellow fever are severe, and no cure has been found for severe forms

Are there "waves" of reoccurrences?
Not really "waves", just people bit by infected mosquitos

Is yellow fever curable?
Treatment is symptomatic, non-severe cases can be attempted to be cured

Are severe cases able to be treated?
20-50% with a severe case may die

Is yellow fever contagious?
No, only contaminated needles and mosquitos can spread the disease

Why is it called yellow fever?
Due to the fever people acquire with the disease and yellowing of the skin and eyes caused by liver failure.

If you do not have a severe case, how long does it take for the symptoms to go away?
Symptoms will go away after phase 1, about 3-4 days

Where are most cases of this disease found?
90% of cases worldwide each year are found in Africa