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Location of Yemen

Yemen is located in the Middle East. Yemen is also right below Saudi Arabia; and on the left side of Oman.

Photo by SEDACMaps

The worst part of where Yemen is located

The most terrible part about where Yemen is located at, is the Hurricanes and tornados. The reason why Yemen has hurricanes and tornados is because Yemen is not far from the equator. It also has tornados because of the tropical weather, but on the coast of Yemen, there's more hurricanes than tornados.

Photo by Brian Birke

How the sun in Yemen is related to growing crops

The sun rays in Yemen are at a very high level of radioactive waves from the sun because Yemen is not very far south of the equator. With the radioactive wave levels being high, there are certain crops that will grow in Yemen because of the intense heat.

Crops that are grown in Yemen

The crops that can grow in Yemen are: tomatoes, wheat, grapes, bananas, seed cotton, sesame seed, coffee, and cotton.

Yemen's Economy

About one-fourth of the gross domestic product is derived from agriculture. The nation of Yemen imports more than sixty percent of its food needs and about twenty percent of the population suffers malnutrition . Agriculture employs more than half the labor force.


Education in Yemen

In primary education in Yemen, you're in first grade.Also in secondary education in Yemen, you're in now tenth grade. But, if you're in vocational education you're basically in college. And when you become an adult in Yemen, you will have a tertiary education which is basically a Job.

Photo by mariskar

History of Yemen

Yemen has relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning "fortunate Arabia" or Happy Arabia.

Photo by CharlesFred

History of Yemen #2

Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East.[1] Its relatively fertile land and adequate rainfall in a moister climate helped sustain a stable population, a feature recognized by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, who described Yemen as Eudaimon Arabia (better known in its Latin translation, Arabia Felix) meaning "fortunate Arabia" or Happy Arabia. Yemenis had developed the South Arabian alphabet by the 12th to 8th centuries BC, which explains why most historians date all of the ancient Yemeni kingdoms to that era.

A famous person of Yemen

The famous person that me (Brian) and Jonathan had chose was Ali Abdullah. Ali Abdullah is a person that was born in Yemen in March 21,1942. He is famous because he was the first person to be president for Yemen

Tourist attractions

There has been a sharp decline in tourism since the 2011 Yemen Crisis. The rise of extremism caused fear in prospective foreign tourists to Yemen.

Photo by Ed Yourdon


1. Wikipedia
2. Google maps
3. Google

Photo by Paladin27

Thank you for being quiet and courteous!

Photo by jessamyn