“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 5:13 NIV
I. A DESCRIPTION TO ANALYZE A. Salt in scriptures: 1. A symbol of binding covenant ( Lev. 2:13) 2. A healing and cleansing aid ( 2 Kings 2:20-21) 3. A stimulant to the appetite ( Job 6:6) 4. A preventive decay ( luke 14: 34-35)
Conclusion: As you consider your life this day, can you honestly say that your life is like salt in the world? There is a tremendous need for every Child of God to be all that God wants them to be in these days. We have seen enough falsehood, hypocrisy and weak living to do us, and the world, a lifetime. We need to be about the business of purifying, preserving, penetrating, pleasing and promoting so that the Lord can use our lives and our testimonies for His glory. God help us to be salty Christians.