You can disrupt the status quo

Published on Sep 24, 2019

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You can disrupt the status quo

in your class  (Minor Ch. 2)

"We are most powerful when we labor to understand young people and when we work alongside (not for) them." (Talk) p. 28

"Teaching without this kind of engagement is not teaching at all, it is colonization." p. 28 explain.

Do you desire

to be a culturally responsive teacher?

Do all your students

see themselves in the classroom?

...we are all going," Don't ask me any more questions." (p. 28) answering Jeff in an effort to say in class.

What language will

you allow in class? 

"Standard English is a language of power." Talk.

What does it mean

to "tell your truth?"

What are at the systems

I can influence right now?

Look at Classroom Culture Questions

What changes can you make?

Kevin Cordi

Haiku Deck Pro User