The First example of this theme would be all the unexplored areas/dangerous animals that are present when the story takes place.This is because a lot of America was still unexplored at the time and there were a lot of dangerous things in these areas.
This quoted in the story by Goodman Brown, when he starts walking through the woods, and he said this to himself. "The traveler knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead;so that with lonely footsteps he may be passing through an unseen multitude..." Pg 52; Paragraph 8.
This next example is about the Puritans fear of the Indians.
During the time of the Puritans the Indians were seen as "evil red skinned shrieking devils".That would hide in the shadows ready to strike.
This is shown in the story
when Goodman Brown was walking in the woods at the start of his journey,and he says this himself.
"There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree"Pg 52;Paragraph 9
The last example of this theme is that at the time Puritans were very suspicious of there surroundings, and they thought that evil, and the Devil were everywhere.
This is quoted in the story by Goodman Brown, while he is at the start of his journey in the woods, and he is talking to himself." What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!"Pg 52; Paragraph 9