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Hello! Welcome to this week’s webinar. This is Carmina Mevs. I will be your host this evening. And I'm really excited about what I'm going to share with you this evening and over the course of the next 4 weeks. I don't know about you, but I've always been frustrated about the lack of systematic approach in building a NWM business. All I have ever gotten from training material is make a list and go talk to those people. I'm not against sharing with people you know but it seems to me if this is a business there has to be a bit more to it. I like to think of MLM as a virtual franchise. And what I'm proposing to you is that we lay out a system and a plan that you, me and anyone on your team can use as a reference and a step -by-step guideline to build our respective businesses. That's why I call it a Game Plan.
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Your Game Plan

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Your MLM Game Plan

Strategies For Success
Hello! Welcome to this week’s webinar. This is Carmina Mevs. I will be your host this evening. And I'm really excited about what I'm going to share with you this evening and over the course of the next 4 weeks. I don't know about you, but I've always been frustrated about the lack of systematic approach in building a NWM business. All I have ever gotten from training material is make a list and go talk to those people. I'm not against sharing with people you know but it seems to me if this is a business there has to be a bit more to it. I like to think of MLM as a virtual franchise. And what I'm proposing to you is that we lay out a system and a plan that you, me and anyone on your team can use as a reference and a step -by-step guideline to build our respective businesses. That's why I call it a Game Plan.

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The Game plan has 4 distinct phases.
and each week, we'll be covering one of them. Along the way, you'll be introduced to several strategies to incorporate in your plan.
In week 1, we'll build your belief system in network marketing. without belief you won't get very far.
In week 2, we'll break down your goals into bit size pieces and you will build a schedule of the activities around your goals so you stop wasting time and money and start getting results
In week 3, we'll open Pandora's box and explore practical and effective prospecting and marketing methods. So your plan is uniquely suited to your skills and personality
In week 4, I'll show you how to keep track of your activities in a way that is useful and helps you grow your business much faster

Start with the End in Mind...

This plan works whether you are brand new or need to hit the restart button on your business. I want to help you see the big picture of how this business can change your life and your family's future for the better but more importantly I want to show you that your success in network marketing has nothing to do with luck or superior skills. You’ve heard the saying: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail “
My goal is to guide you step-by-step and show you how to set yourself up for success.
Network Marketing is not hard, it’s simple but unless you know where to focus your efforts
You’ll be spinning your wheels and getting frustrated and eventually you will quit.
The sad thruth is over 90% of people who start a NWM business quit & therefore fail. I was part of that statistic not so long ago but I want you to know you can do this...
Photo by teliko82


But First, let me introduce myself.
My name is Carmina Mevs and prior to getting starting on my network marketing journey, I was a mom desperate to stay home with my child so I started looking for an alternative to a traditional job. I came across an intriguing online ad, requested some information and got introduced to  my first network marketing opportunity. I’d love to tell you that I was an overnight success and never had to go back to my corporate job, but that would make for a pretty boring story. Nope! I failed and I failed miserably in 6 differents NWM companies. Frustrated and tired, I threw in the towel and swore that I would never do MLM again. Fast forward a few years later, I landed my dream job and I had an eye opening experience that prompted me to revisit NWM: 200 people were let go with no advanced warning. They walked in with a job and left a few hours later without one. I realized that I was playing russian roulette with my future and made the decision to  But this time, I wasn’t taking No for an answer. I took the decision to get serious about my business, just as I had been about my corporate career. I flew across the country to attend seminars, built up an impressive library of books, videos and audio programs and more importantly I invested in personal coaching to the tunes of thousands of dollars. Today, I’m rewriting my success story:  I’m a published author, I conduct weekly webinars and have people pursuing me and asking about my business.
If you are serious about your business and want to learn how to generate your own leads, recruit more reps and create more cash flow in your business, grab a pen & paper and let’s get it done.
Let me warn you, This is going to be a hands on approach. I’m inviting you to not just follow along but also do along. Let’s pretend that you’ve just joined my team and we are starting your 90-Day evaluation. Why 90 days? 90 day is long enough to create momentum and see results; yet short enough so that you don’t grow weary and tired.
You may not know this but this is what I do for a living. I manage projects. Multi Million-dollar projects for private companies. So I’m going to put my project manager hat on and we’re going to do this the only way I know how to get results out of anything: deliberate planning NOT wishful thinking.

a temporary group of activities designed to produce
specific results

First let’s agree on that we will view this Game plan as a project.
Why a project?
Well, primarily because a project is temporary, it has a defined beginning and end time. Parkinson's Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion – means that if you give yourself a week to complete a two hour task, then (psychologically speaking) the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week. It may not even fill the extra time with more work, but just stress and tension about having to get it done. By assigning the right amount of time to a task, we gain back more time and the task will reduce in complexity to its natural state. So we are going to increase our chances at winning by focusing on specific goal during a specific time frame.

A project is a temporary group of activities designed to produce a unique result. In our case, results, could be making your first $1000, acquiring 20 new clients or enrolling 5 new team members.

Of course, legally I have to put a disclaimer here that in no way, shape or form can I guarantee your success. So I can’t guarantee your results, just like you can’t guarantee me your efforts. But if you do the work, I think you'll be pretty happy with what you will have accomplished


Hope you're ready!

When we’re done, you will have in place a game plan, complete with a daily activities for success
and a blueprint for your marketing strategy that will allow you to build your business on your terms, whether you want to market offline or online to people you know or people you don’t know.

Now that I've laid down an overview of what we're going to accomplished over the next few weeks. Let's get started.
Photo by oscarandtara

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The 1st phase of your 90 day, not surprisingly is the Start phase.
Now before we go any further make sure, you have written down, the goal of your project.
Consider making your first goal acquiring customers, 5 10 or 20… whatever you feel is realistic.
Why? because retail is the quickest way to make money and recoup your initial investment. All set with your goal?
Great! so now you have a specific goal and a start & end time. Perfect!  A word of caution. Don’t dwell too long in indecision.
This is key to your success is to simply start

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The START phase assumes that you’ve done your due diligence in selecting the right company for you.
I don’t subscribe to the mine is better than yours mentality. All companies have their pros and cons.
Of course, you want to stay away from the scams which are easily recognizable by the fact that there are no real products.
The commission is purely based on the ability to recruit other people into your deal. Stay away from those things.
The premise of network marketing is that it’s another form of distributing products and services, directly to consumers, bypassing the middle man.

Those who distribute that product or service either themselves or through a network of other people get paid a commission on the SALE of that product or service.
So having said that I hope that you picked a line of product that you are actually consuming or using personally that’s how you’re able to make recommendations about them.
And if your company offers an autoship program, you better be on it – no auto ship – no residual income!
You’ve purchased your distributor kit and you have been assigned a distributor ID and now you are eligible to earn commissions.

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I also trust that you understand the basics of your compensation plan. Don't make it more complicated than it has to be.
Comp plan is simply how the company calculates your profit. When you know that, you know where to focus your efforts.

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Nobody embarks voluntarily on a journey they don’t believe in. You took the plunge and signed on the dotted line.
You saw or heard something in that business presentation that gave you hope for the future.
You’re excited, you’re pumped but let me warned you ahead of time, this feeling isn’t going to last forever.
Before long you’re going to start missing your team or company’s conference calls, you’re going to stop contacting people & marketing your business.
I know! been there, done that. It’s kinda like dating, in the beginning, you can’t get enough of each other, you spend hours and hours on the phone,
everything he says is either charming or profound, he looks good, and can do no wrong, ahhhh! puppy love.
If you’ve been on this planet for as long as I have you know that this phase won’t last forever. and it’s not supposed to! but you must in those
early stages lay the foundation and habits for a successful transition to the time where the hot & heavy enthusiasm  starts to die down and is gradually replaced with something calmer, more routine but  rock solid...

embark on a voyage

with No guarantees
Did you know? Christopher Columbus spent 7 years lobbying the courts of Europe before he has awarded the ships he needed
to start his expeditions which led to the discovery of the Americas; then embarking on a voyage for which there were no guarantee..

All the great explorers and adventurers had this trait in common: an unshakable belief, in something they had not yet seen but which they had already
visualised  in their mind and bet everything on.

Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Malcolm X may not have witness the fruits of their cause in their own lifetime, but believe you me,
they “saw” it, way before it came to pass and that’s why they kept on keeping on even when circumstances got difficult and unbearable.

Photo by Ari Helminen

“I don’t BELIEVE in taking foolish CHANCES, but nothing can be accomplished if we don’t TAKE any chances at all” Charles Lindbergh

It's not about making foolish choices, it's about taking calculated risks. Network marketing is a no brainer. No employee, no over head, a small entry fee. Take a chance and bet on yourself


is not enough
.. Hold your horses, I know you want rush to the how tos.. you’re like  “enough of the rah rah, Carmina!
let’s get to the good stuff… but this is the good stuff! Take it from someone who has a library full of manuals and training DVDs:
“Knowing is not enough”…..
Photo by Tessss

Behaviors = Beliefs
Beliefs = Action
Action = Results

Before we can do anything we must first believe we can.
Because our beliefs dictate our behavior and  Behaviors are beliefs turned into action. Behaviors deliver results.

Photo by JonathanCohen

you already know

Let me prove it to you… can you run? sure you can. unless you’re physically challenged, we all know how to run. You don’t need a manual to teach you, if you wanted to you can take off running right now. If you wanted to get really good at it, you could  hire a coach or read some books to refine your techniques and learn how to breathe better but the point is you already know how to run. Now let me ask you, when is the last time you gone running? most of us can’t even remember... myself included. not because we don’t know how to but because we’re not inspired nor motivated to do so, unless of course there’s a wild beast coming after us, then I’m sure we’d all have to motivation to take off running.
All I’m trying  to say, that you already know how to do Network Marketing. It’s simple, really! I’m going to cut to the chase, the secret of success in network marketing is to get more eye balls on what your products/ services and/or opportunity. period . end of story.  

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what you lack in skills you make up in numbers BUT the 1st battle we have to win to be successful in Network Marketing is the
battle that happens between our two ears. that’s why we’re going to camp here tfor a little bit and I’m going to give you some strategies to win that battle

true or false?

True or False? When you started on your network marketing venture you were excited but half way convinced?
Giddy and enthusiastic but at the same time under your breath you were saying “I’ll give it a try but I don’t think it will work”...

Photo by Vincepal

You must Believe in yourself

you must believe you can succeed
But you see belief in your success is the one basic and absolutely essential ingredient of all successful people.
You can’t afford to wait for circumstances and things to align perfectly before you start believing.  
I know it’s almost counter intuitive but This is the 1st step on your Network Marketing journey:.
You must Believe in yourself and you must believe you can succeed
Photo by Keoni Cabral


Your Belief muscles
Now that we agree that we can't go any further without believing, let me show how to do that. because the reality is, we've so pre-conditioned against Network marketing at least in the United states, I don't know for other cultures that we actually have to put some real effort into undoing that bad programming..Here are 3 attitudes that you MUST absolutely develop on a daily basis if you want to be successful in Network Marketing
Photo by C.P.Storm

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You must THINK and breathe success. I know it sounds simplistic but everything that is in existence today began as a thought. Be aware & conscious of the thoughts that enter your mind throughout the day and forcefully replace the “I can’ts” with “I will”. Every time you catch yourself thinking negativity like “this will never work” give a mental time out.
You wanna know my trick? I scream “stop” with my inside voice and then picture myself with an eraser wiping the board clean. It's kinda silly but it works. Of course, you can make up your own mental image or triggers as long as they do the job and help you stop those negative thoughts dead in their tracks.


Second Remember. Remind yourself daily that you are better than you think you are. And never ever, sell yourself short again.

You don’t need a genius IQ, luck or extraordinary circumstances to achieve your dreams in Network Marketing. But you do need to believe that you can.

And it takes a daily discipline of feeding yourself the right message to stay in the game. Later on I will share some specific strategies with you.

Photo by Wade Morgen

"There's Always Provision
for the Vision"
- Dani Johnson

Here's another thing that gives a lot of confidence... have you ever had a sort of persistent desire in your heart that never really goes , somehow you always seem to go back to it. I heard joel Osteen say one day that these are dreams that God planted in your heart. And my confidence in my ability to see those dreams come to pass is knowing that He will also provide the means for me to achieve that because There’s always provision for the vision. always.

Shoot for the moon

LAND AMONg the stars
And finally, Believe big. Super size your dreams. Give yourself permission to Believe much bigger, much sooner. You’re playing safe and thinking small won’t make your goals any more attainable. Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still land among the stars.

Do you believe...

in unicorns?
Do you believe in unicorns? Me neither and yet sometimes in Network Marketing circles it's almost as if they are asking us to? Most ads feature ferarri's and million dollar mansions and they ask us to believe that all these things await us at the end of the rainbow. I don't know about you, I find those images totally uninspiring. and they leave me flat and unmotivated. maybe because I have a hard time believing or beause I'm simply uninterested in that sort of things.

Psycho cybernetics

by Dr. maxwell maltz
But when I came across Dr Maltz's book “Psycho Cybernetics” which you must absolutely read by the way,
I found this mental exercise which I immediately latch on to the idea because it allowed me to envision the real success that I desired. It's a very natural way to cultivate your belief system. Nothing about it is forced , It's a very gradual and natural process.
I hope your're taking notes, because I'm about to unveil he first strategy, and its name is WORRY
I bet you didn't see this one coming!

How to elevate

worry to an art form
Human beings have a natural ability to worry. And if you’re a women, you’re in luck because we elevate worry to an art form.

We worry about the kids, about money, about our spouse, about the future. If worrying was an olympic sport, women would bring home the gold, silver and bronze every single time...
so this should be really easy for you...

I'm going to show you how to use what you do naturally when you worry and use it to build your dreams

We are going to mentally begin to play with the idea of complete & inevitable success.
BUT do not force yourself, or use effort or will power to convince yourself.

Just do what you do naturally when you worry about something,

the difference is, you're going to worry about something you actually want to happen

Photo by ecstaticist


When you're worrying, you don't have convince yourself of anything. do you?

It's very important that you Don't begin by forcing yourself to have absolute faith in your desired success.
It's too big of a first bite to chew on. let's start where you’re at.
And gradually, we are going to grow that faith and belief in the outcome you want.

It begins as an idea that slowly takes over your mind. Remember the movie Inception with Leo Decaprio? same concept, a seed of an idea is simply planted in your mind and it usually begins with "suppose..."

it's possible

Just suppose this or that happens...you repeat the idea over and over in your head. You play with it, you run a couple of scenarios... Next thing you know what began as just an idea , now looks possible...
"after all" you say to yourself "it is possible that….".

Hey!It could happen. right? It's not unheard of... So now you begin to imagine the outcomes of such a possibility. Well that's what we do when we worry. it starts with an idea, that grows into a possibility...

how would you spend

I'm going to use the example of making 20K in your network marketing business, but you can substitute it for whatever you want.
so say to yourself, "Just suppose I am making 20K a month with my network marketing business", what would that mean? Hmm, i probably will resign from my job, start looking at some top schools for the kids, paying off debt, getting a new car, etc... start spending that money in your mind... So Begin with your "suppose", suppose I did achieve my monthly income goal of 20K?
then remind yourself that after all, it could in fact happen. At this stage you're not yet thinking that it will happen, only that it could. Baby steps, remember? You are simply reminding yourself that this outcome is possible.
That's where websites like networkmarketingpro come in handy. It provides you with a seemingly endless supply of success stories in network marketing. I'm sure your company has great stories too. Become a collector of stories.They are essential to that stage because they reinforce the "it's possible" mental attitude.

Photo by just.Luc

it's your show

what do you want to see?
Next begin to think in pictures, begin to picture what it will feel like , the emphasis is on feel, receiving your first 20K check in the mail... imagine the details, you walking to your mailbox, you see a familiar envelope, your heart is beating faster, even though you've seen the numbers in your back office, you are now holding the tangible proof of what you have accomplished. It's right there, in your hands, are your hands shaking with excitement? ... add in the small details. It's like writing the script of your own movie. improve on it, refine it, and play it in our mind over and over until those scenes become more and more real to you, and you start feeling the emotions you'd expect to have in that particular moment when you realize that you've done it !
Rehearse that movie in your mind, imagine what you would feel just as if it had already happened.
Isn't that what you do when you worry? Just use those same muscles but for a positive outcome

So the point is, you mentally train yourself to little by little become more optimistic and give yourself permission to believe and dream again. Once the idea of the definite possibility of your goal is firmly implanted in your mind, then you begin to create that mental movie we talked about, you add in the appropriate images, the sounds, the people who are around you. Imagine yourself watch your movie on the big screen with you as the main character that's why Dr Maltz calls it the theater of the mind and just like when you're watching a powerful drama your emotions will gradually start take over, maybe you'll tear up a bit (I know I do), maybe you'll smile from ear to ear or maybe it will just be this amazing sense of peace within. Over time you will start to experience what Dr Maltz calls that Winning Feeling and that's when you know, that you know, that you know that your dreams will come to pass.

Practice this over and over. Make a daily appointment with yourself to watch your film.
And next time worry and doubt start to creep in you know how to handle those losers.

Photo by miss mass

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