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Your Greatest Success... Will Be Helping Others Succeed

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Your Greatest Success... Will Be Helping Others Succeed

A Guide To Ultimate Success

Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefit others

~ John C Maxwell

The world, today, sees everything as a competition...

"Another's success can my my success, if I had opportunity to enable, encourage, and promote them along the way."

~ Joshua Becker

Photo by cliff1066™

The Receiver:

Reached a far greater potential than they could have on their own. The world has been bettered and has been given a life giving model to emulate.

The Giver:
Remembered fondly and is often publicly and privately thanked for their contribution.

The Stranger:
More likely to be the recipient of the original receiver, ‘paying it forward’.

And The Cycle Continues

Seek significance for success.
Not success for significance
Success ebbs and flows with the economy... (Economy takes a turn? So does your success.) Success ends the day you die.
Success is never enough (financial success will never satisfy the inmost desires of our soul).
Significance always lasts (it will outlast you). Significance carries on (keeps on giving). Significance satisfies our soul (makes us confidence that we lived a valuable and fulfilling day).

Focus on living with character, integrity, and morality. Focus on people, not dollars. Start with one person; yourself. Significance is not dependent on success.

Success is often confused with excess. We desire lasting significance and influence and impact but spend time chasing temporal possessions. Excess is an unintended goal of a consumerist economy.

Photo by dok1

We long for something greater than material excess. Our hearts define success differently. We desire significance. We desire influence. We desire freedom and opportunity (not only for ourselves but others).

We desire love; to be fully known and accepted.