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Your school library features a teacher-librarian who is a full instructional partner with classroom teachers, and a library technician, both of whom are happy to collaborate with you to brainstorm ideas for lessons, student projects, teaching, and learning together.

I can help you with:
-Library bookings
-Access to resources: netbook collections, library computer lab, collaboration tables, study space
-Library orientation for classes
-Lessons and Units of study
-Teaching Research and Inquiry skills
-Developing Information Literacy
-Providing specialized knowledge of resource-based learning
-Providing coaching sessions for students and staff on current learning and teaching strategies as well as current technology.
-Collaboration and Supervision of students during lessons or units of study in the Library.
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Your School Library

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Your School Library

Teaching, Learning & Collaboration
Your school library features a teacher-librarian who is a full instructional partner with classroom teachers, and a library technician, both of whom are happy to collaborate with you to brainstorm ideas for lessons, student projects, teaching, and learning together.

I can help you with:
-Library bookings
-Access to resources: netbook collections, library computer lab, collaboration tables, study space
-Library orientation for classes
-Lessons and Units of study
-Teaching Research and Inquiry skills
-Developing Information Literacy
-Providing specialized knowledge of resource-based learning
-Providing coaching sessions for students and staff on current learning and teaching strategies as well as current technology.
-Collaboration and Supervision of students during lessons or units of study in the Library.


Innovation thrives when everyone shares knowledge and works together toward common goals.

Let me work with you and your classes to:
-support lessons
-co-teach lessons or units
-provide cross curricular approaches to research and inquiry, critical literacy, digital literacy and media literacy.
-assist you and your students with lessons, teaching, instruction and evaluation.

teaching & Learning

Program Instruction
I am happy to teach or co-teach with you and work with your students, to offer program ideas, lessons, and work with you in one or two units of study per semester.

Please see me to sign up for this opportunity.

I offer flexibility in booking your lesson or unit of study. Visit the library to book your session.

We will meet to collaboratively define the learning outcomes for the unit or project, and discuss the interests of the students.

We will brainstorm ideas for activities and effective use of resources, focusing on critical and creative skill-building.

We will determine appropriate assessment and evaluation procedures and look at who will be responsible for which sections or activities within the unit.

Finally, you will emerge with a jointly-planned unit of study which you and your colleagues can use again and again!

Collaboration works as it helps us to work smarter, not harder.
Photo by snacktime2007

research & Inquiry

I can provide instruction focusing on research and inquiry based learning.

The stages of research and inquiry based learning include the following 4 steps:
1 • Preparing for Research (e.g., defining question)
2 • Accessing Resources (e.g., locating information)
3 • Processing Information (e.g., evaluating information)
4 • Transferring Learning (e.g. presenting information)

"Students need the fundamental skills and knowledge of inquiry and research to be information literate. Information literacy is a prerequisite for success in all subjects of the curriculum, for preparation for work and further education, and for lifelong learning.
The purpose of inquiry and research is to encourage high levels of critical thinking so that processes and resources are appropriate, conclusions are based on supporting evidence and problems are solved and decisions made that will extend learning for a lifetime."
Photo by sickmouthy

Educational leadership

Developing the Potential of our School Library
A teacher-librarian is a valuable asset for instructional planning and is meant to be a full partner with classroom teachers.

I am eager to partner with you to offer collaboration, support, professional development workshops, or collaboration with teaching, assessment and evaluation, designing a co-created lesson or unit of study. Please visit me in the library or send me an email (bristowc@hdsb.ca) to set up a mutually convenient time to begin our collaboration. Let me help make your job easier!
Photo by plakboek

visit us soon

Photo by EJP Photo