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Slide Notes

Still got that high from the conference you attended?

You know, the one where you got all of these amazing ideas from all of these people are making it happen?

Or maybe you are feeling the post-conference slump where you didn't do anything with all of those notes you took and you are back to the same ol' s#!t you were doing (or weren't doing!) before the conference?

Either way, it's not too late. Dig up those notes from the conference and follow these steps to help you get focused on taking action you need to take to get you and your business where you want to go.

Your Ticket To Re-Entry

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Overcoming Conference Overwhelm.

A step-by-step process to help you narrow down and implement your ideas after attending a conference.



Still got that high from the conference you attended?

You know, the one where you got all of these amazing ideas from all of these people are making it happen?

Or maybe you are feeling the post-conference slump where you didn't do anything with all of those notes you took and you are back to the same ol' s#!t you were doing (or weren't doing!) before the conference?

Either way, it's not too late. Dig up those notes from the conference and follow these steps to help you get focused on taking action you need to take to get you and your business where you want to go.


A priming question...
Before we dig into your notes and ideas from the conference, let's prime your brain a little bit with this question: What's your problem?

Seriously. What is the biggest problem you need to tackle in your business?

What is getting in your way?

What would your life and business look like when it is solved? Don't worry about how to solve it, just think about what things would be like when it's solved.

Hang with that problem solved feeling for a minute. What does that feel like?
Photo by Fuyoh!


Whether you took copious notes or stored all those ideas in your brain, it's time to go through and get everything in one place.

Find a whiteboard.

Get out a pen and paper.

Open up a blank doc on your computer.

Whatever you want to do, just get it all in one place.

It helps to go through your notes and re-process them to see what still speaks to you now that you're back in the "real" world.


Is it a great idea for you or just a great idea?
Sometimes a great idea is just a great idea...for the person who shared it with you.

It might not be a great idea for you.

Did someone become wildly successful by using blogging as their main marketing vehicle but YOU hate blogging? Great idea for them. Not a great idea for you.

Did someone become wildly successful by hosting events and you love gathering people? Great idea for them. And *maybe* a great idea for YOU! You'll only find out if you try it out.

Do quick sort of your ideas so that you are only focusing on those ideas that you are pretty sure are GREAT FOR YOU.


  • It is in line with your WHY
  • It is in line with your values
  • You can imagine the results
  • It excites you
More than anything, a great idea is one that allows you to live your PURPOSE. If you aren't clear on your purpose, it will always be hard to decide what you really need to do in your business and life. So, figure that out!

Likewise, it is important to factor in your values. If you try to implement an idea that contradicts your purpose or values, you'll either stall on actually doing it OR you won't be able to sustain it, no matter how successful it is.

Another sign of a good idea is being able to envision it once it's successful. What would it *look* if this idea was wildly successful?

And, finally, being excited about at least some of the work it will take to make it happen is important. It's ok to be scared-excited, but some excitement is required.
Photo by Camera John

Pick Your Top

Based on solving your biggest problem.
You've done the hardest part now, great job.

You did the brain dump.

You sorted out the great ideas for YOU.

Now it's time to think about your biggest problem again and see which ideas will have the most impact on that problem.

Find the top 3 ideas that will either solve or support a solution to that problem.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Crystal Ball Time

  • What would it mean for your business?
  • What would it mean for your team?
  • What would it mean for your workload?
  • What would it mean for your family?
  • What would it mean for your life?
For each of those 3 ideas, take a moment and think about what it would look like to have each idea fully implemented.

What would it mean for your business?

What would it mean for your team?

What would it mean for your workload?

What would it mean for your family?

What would it mean for your life?
Photo by KayVee.INC

Narrow to ONE

Now pick the ONE idea that you are going to get started on.

You'll tackle all of them eventually, but if you get LASER FOCUSED on just one idea and actually implement it, you'll be so much farther along than if you try to implement all three at once.

What is the NEXT ACTION you need
to take to make this
ONE THING happen?

Got your ONE idea?

Now ask yourself:

"If I had NOTHING else to do the rest of the day, what would be the FIRST step I need to take to make this idea a reality?"

And I mean the very next step. This is something that is actionable in one work session (90-mins or less).

It could be sit down and outline what you *think* needs to be done to make this idea a reality.

Or it could be a phone call that you need to make or an e-mail you need to send.

Your next step is SIMPLE.

Keep the steps simple and small so you can make small mistakes, learn and adjust.

This is gonna be a one step at a time kind of journey...like all journeys.
Photo by hannaneh710

Schedule It
Share it
Do It
Next Action

OK, so maybe you actually do have other stuff to get done today. So you'll need to schedule the NEXT ACTION toward your big idea.

Share the big idea with someone so you have some support and accountability.

Complete that first action. See how it feels. Determine what the next action is and do it.

Photo by srgpicker

Then what?

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Keep this up and you'll get on a roll and before you know it your big idea will be implemented.

And then you can go back to your great ideas list and see what you want to tackle next!

In other words: lather, rinse, repeat!

Untitled Slide

Do you need help with your conference download?

Do you need help uncovering and articulating your purpose?

Do you need help clarifying and communicating your values to your team?

Head on over to my website to learn more about how I can help you!

