The Yurok lives on the northern coast of California. The tallest trees grow there.
- Their known for there Yurok money.
- They would trade with money sometimes.
- They would barter anything that has meaning.
- Some examples are food, skin, canoes and much more
- They also made sand paintings so they would also barter sand paintings.
At one time their people lived in over fifty houses throughout there village. Before given the name " Yurok" we referred to ourself sand others in the area using there Indian language.
The Yurok built their houses partly underground. They used redwood planks for the walls. For doors, houses has a small round hole. The Yurok also made baskets instead of clay pots to cook. They put food and water in a basket. Then they added hot rocks to boil the rocks.
They used Yurok money instead of other things. Sometimes they would just trade. Money is not always coins or hills. It can be anything that really has meaning to it. Or that has value.
So when we did research we only found one tribe member. Her name is Kishan Lara. She was the first tribe member of the Yurok tribe.