We are currently working towards the goal of zero hunger in 2030.Our target is by 2030, end hunger and make sure that all people have enough food all year long,and particularly the people that don’t have enough money for food.
We are currently working towards the goal of zero hunger in 2030.Our target is by 2030, end hunger and make sure that all people have enough food all year long,and particularly the people that don’t have enough money for food.
The reason why hunger is happening is because of poverty,difference in status,natural disaster,drought,homelessness,conflicts and many others that can't be controlled.
Hunger is happening everywhere in cities,states,countries and around the globe.Some said countries are china,Sudan,Africa,Zambia,Yemen,and many more such places as hunger keep happening.
Right now in the present 785 million people is hungry right now!Even now there are people around the world that are dying because of malnutrition and other hunger related reasons.They are suffering from poverty and their lives are in disaster.
So in order to stop hunger,help us achieve our goal and removed a human suffering of humanity. You can do so by joining a organization directly helping them or others.
HTTPS://VIMEO.COM/178372249 One such organization is No kid hungry .It is also a a organization that we are campaigning for.Their purpose is to stop child hunger using programs and spreading it to schools and such to help students and other kids.
school breakfast is a simple program as it made breakfast a part of the regular day like lunch is.This helps students stay focused and it is easier for parents.
summer meals is a way to help kids that rely on school meals to get enough to eat during the summer.They can go to summer meal sites where kids can eat breakfast and lunch for free.
their research center works closely together with local schools and community programs across the country. Their researchers ,managers and others take what we learned and share it with everyone to help stop hunger.
One of the ways that no kid hungry help end childhood hunger is by working together with government agencies and elected officials to strengthen programs that kids rely on and make sure that the supporters has a chance to raise their voice on important issues.