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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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  • 14.15 million (2013) Zimbabwe
  • 14.54 million (2013) Zambia
  • 25.83 million (2013) Mozambique
Photo by CIMMYT

Africans make up 98% of the total population in Zimbabwe and are mainly related to the two major Bantu-speaking groups, the Shona (about 82% of the population) and the Ndebele (about 14%).


  • Zimbabwe War of Liberation—was a civil war that took place from July 1964 to December 1979
  • First Matabele War- The first battle in the war occurred on the 5 November 1893 when the laager was attacked on open ground a few miles from the Impembisi River. The laager consisted of 670 British soldiers, 400 of whom were mounted along with a small force of native allies fought off the Imbezu and Ingubu regiments computed by Sir John Willoughby to number 1 700warriors in all.


  • coal
  • chromium ore
  • asbestos
  • gold
  • nickel
  • copper
  • iron ore
  • vanadium
  • Diamonds (when found)

Economy & Industry

  • Mining-Mining provides jobs for only around 5% of the workforce, but the sector brings in a third of the country’s export earnings.
  • Agriculture-The agricultural industry is a key sector for Zimbabwe’s economy. The main exports are tobacco, cotton and sugar.
Photo by montuno

The government and the leader
Zimbabwe has a Republic goverment and the president of this country is Robert Mugabe

Photo by a-birdie

Length and features
Zimbabwe is 150,804 mi² (390,580 km²) and some features are mountains and falls. The mountains are Inyanga and Udizi Mountains, and the falls are Victoria Falls that uses The Zambezi River.

Photo by Ian Sane

Blood diamonds
Not long ago, the public started to become aware that large numbers of diamonds are mined in violent and inhumane settings. Consumers are now demanding, with ever greater urgency, that their diamonds be free from bloodshed and human rights abuses.

Zimbabwe is out for the World Cup
The Zimbabwe federation said it would appeal after the country was barred from 2018 World Cup qualifying for not paying José Claudinei Georgini, its former national coach.

The Climate & Agriculture

Zimbabwe lies within the tropics. However, many parts enjoy a subtropical climate because of their high elevations

male: 94.2% (2003 est.), female: 87.2% (2003 est.), these are the ratios of both sexes that can read and write. 90.7% (2003 est.) is the total population in all of Zimbabwe that can read and write.