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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Zoologists study various aspects of wild life, such as behavior, human impact, and their interactions with the environment.

Photo by blmiers2

The average salary is 57,710$.
A bachelors degree is needed for entry-level positions.

Photo by spisharam

There are currently 20,100 jobs. Jobs are predicted to grow by 5%.

Well-rounded outdoors skills are recommended.
UF, UCSB, and UConn offer zoology degrees.

The average cost of a degree in zoology is 16,000-20,000$

Most zoologists work for the state and federal government, and find jobs nearly anywhere.

Untitled Slide

Photo by StuartWebster

Related jobs are biologists, ecologists, and wildlife biologists.

Photo by fPat

Zoology/animal biology. Retrieved from colleges.findthebest.com
Occupational outlook. Retrieved from www.bls.gov
Zoologist career information. Retrieved from education-portal.com
Zoologist job description. Retrieved from resources.alljobopenings.com

Photo by vyxle