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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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So what does it mean to be unique?

  • To look like this👲👳👮👷💂?
  • To be one of a kind?
  • To be able to stand out?
  • To be rare like your great grandmothers necklace?
  • Or rare as the items in your video game?

Family, friends, teachers, strangers tell us that we're special and there's no one else like us.

So how is God unique?


  • God is unique and their is no likeness to Him in anyway.
  • The fact that we don't know what God looks like is unique.
  • God's love is unique.
  • In the beginning there was only God which shows how unique he is.
  • God made us all unique, no one can create life and uniqueness like he did.