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1.What dose freedom means to you? Me: For me freedom means everything and nothing. Everything because everything that I am doing, I am doing because I live in a free country and nothing because losing you freedom is so simple, tomorow we can be atack by an other country, we lose and risk to be presoners in our own land. My father: For my father the definition of freedom is simple due to the fact that he lived his first 18 years of life with out it, he knows what is important: the power to choose your own path in life, the freedom to express your ideas and opinions and the power to choose the learder that you think is right to lead your country.

Published on Jan 15, 2017

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1.What dose freedom means to you?
Me: For me freedom means everything and nothing. Everything because everything that I am doing, I am doing because I live in a free country and nothing because losing you freedom is so simple, tomorow we can be atack by an other country, we lose and risk to be presoners in our own land.
My father: For my father the definition of freedom is simple due to the fact that he lived his first 18 years of life with out it, he knows what is important: the power to choose your own path in life, the freedom to express your ideas and opinions and the power to choose the learder that you think is right to lead your country.

2.How if life at 19-20 years of age?
Me: I have no idea, I am 18 years old.
My father: Life at 19-20 years old is way defferent from the interpretation of a 40 samething years old adult. The way I sow it at that age and the way I see it now is not the some, I could say that at that stage in your life you start to act and think like an adult.

3.Romania- should I stay or should I go?
Me: In the past 5 years was a very simple answer to this question for me: I should go and I am going to.
My father: Well...I should go becaus I want to meat people with defferent ideologys then the ones that predominates in my country, an ideology that is clouser to mine and I should stay, and I am staying because I was not able to leave when I was yanger and my child was little and I have a life here I am used to it, I have responabilites and is not as easy as it was then to pckk the family up and go, but every kick in the ass is a step forward. ( my fathers words not mine!)

3.What do you know/remember about the communist 4.What do you know/remember about the communist period?
Me: What I know is that the human rights were not just violeted, they wor an existent, the idea of rights that you are born with and nobody could take them away, just in extrem cases, of cours, like incarseration, did not applied, you were already born in a prison.
My father: I of course remember about the poverty, about the restrictions of everything and of course, I remember the famous lines, but I remember to little about the waiting in line to buy food and more about the line it self. The people that were there, the way they complained about the regime, the way they expressed themselves with a freedom that was unknown to me, the moment you stept in a line it was like you were in an other country, one with out communism. People were sick, tired, frustrated with the situation, but most of it they were, we were sad that we could not change the way thing were.

How do you see yourself in 17 years from know?
Me: I see myself living in a country like America or Canada, not sure yet, having accomplishments, being proud of what I did until that moment, doing what I love no matter what is at that time.
My father: In 27 years I see myself in a place in my life where I am able to accomplish what I cpuld not in the last 27 years.