Haiku Deck Superstar

2 Haiku Decks

Untitled Haiku Deck

Untitled Haiku Deck

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1.What dose freedom means to you? Me: For me freedom means everything and nothing. Everything because everything that I am doing, I am doing because I live in a free country and nothing because losing you freedom is so simple, tomorow we can be atack by an other country, we lose and risk to be presoners in our own land. My father: For my father the definition of freedom is simple due to the fact that he lived his first 18 years of life with out it, he knows what is important: the power to choose your own path in life, the freedom to express your ideas and opinions and the power to choose the learder that you think is right to lead your country.

1.What dose freedom means to you? Me: For me freedom means everything and nothing. Everything because everything that I am doing, I am doing because I live in a free country and nothing because losing you freedom is so simple, tomorow we can be atack by an other country, we lose and risk to be presoners in our own land. My father: For my father the definition of freedom is simple due to the fact that he lived his first 18 years of life with out it, he knows what is important: the power to choose your own path in life, the freedom to express your ideas and opinions and the power to choose the learder that you think is right to lead your country.

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