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Ancient India

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Ancient India

By: Ashton, Dorian, Olin, and Jonathan
Photo by betta design


  • The most common government used in India was Monarchy
  • Some of the government leaders were Raja a king and Maharaja 
  • Samrat was an emperor who became a monarchy.
  • Monarchy is when you have a king and a queen

Caste System
The caste system was a hierarchy of social class.You are born into a caste and die within the same caste.

Photo by rahuldlucca

Rankings of the Caste System

Photo by rahuldlucca


  • Math- important because we need it in daily life
  • Diamonds- important for tools and jewlery
  • Silk roads- to transport not only food but religion
  • Chess- important because it's some people's hobby


  • Main religions- Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Hinduism has no single founder,or scripture
  • Hinduism originated in the Indus River Valley
  • The Ganges River is sacred to Hindus.
  • about a billion people are Hindus

Hindu Beliefs

  • Moksha is when the soul stops being reincarnated.
  • They believe in the caste system.
  • They believe in a single force (Brahma) that is present in everything
  • Hinduism is a religion that most people in india believe.

Interesting Facts

  • The four sides of the taj mahal are identical.
  • The Indus Valley Civilization was an advanced civilization.
  • Usage of anestesia was common in ancient India.
  • Ayurveda was one of the earliest medicine school ran by Cahraka.
Photo by -AX-


  • Raja: a king and Maharaja: a monarchy were important
  • They  worshipped at temples.
  • Important Gods include Brahma; Vishnu; and Rudra. 
  • Persians went to the 'Sindhu' river (Indus River) but they called it Hindu.

Important Figures

  • Ghandi-he brought independence through non-violent movement.
  • Buddha-a prophet


Solar System and Moon