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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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By: Helen, Matthew, and Riya
Photo by bumbleleaf


  • There is no god.  
  • Daoist practices include cosmology, theology,observation,
  • practice principals, meditation, and health.  


  • Lao Zi founded Daoism.  
  • Formed in 500 B.C.E
  • Started in China
  • Sacred Texts: Zhuangzi, Daode Jing, Yi Jing.  
Photo by Renato Ganoza

role in Culture

  • Daoism is associated with nature.  
  • Respect nature
  • Balance and flow with the universe
Photo by VinothChandar

Interesting FActs

  • Dao means the way.  
  • If the Dao is in balance, it is possible to find perfect happiness.  
  • Main religious characters are Laotzsu and Chuangtzu.  
  • Daoism is all about working with nature, and nature's forces.  
Photo by Leo Reynolds