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Save the date!

Come along to Aldenham Jsoc's Pre Pesach session and find out all about how we celebrate the Exodus from Egypt!

Thursday 20 April 2016 Apthorp Room Superior Lunch provided!

Invite your friends and share on your timeline. bit.ly/AldJSocPesach2016

You must RSVP to Mrs K or to any of the Jsoc Committee:
Jonah Miller Year 10 Beevor's
Jolie Sharpe Year 10 Paull's...
Thomas Jacobs Year 12 McGill's
Joseph Masri Year 12 McGill's
Daniel Harris Year 12 Kennedy's Natasha Tasha-Adalia Liv Livingston Year 13 Paull's
Matthew Hoenig Year 13 McGill's
Nick Davis Year 9 Leeman's
Zak Berg Y12 Riding's
Brandon Wolmark Y12 Riding's
Josh Walker Y12 Riding's
Gabe McManus Y7
Fraser Ingram Y8

Find JSoc on facebook at:
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Eco Kashrut Jsoc 27 04 2017

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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You Are What You Eat

27.4.17 | Apthorp Room | 1pm | Pizza Provided | RSVP to Mrs R

Save the date!

Come along to Aldenham Jsoc's Pre Pesach session and find out all about how we celebrate the Exodus from Egypt!

Thursday 20 April 2016 Apthorp Room Superior Lunch provided!

Invite your friends and share on your timeline. bit.ly/AldJSocPesach2016

You must RSVP to Mrs K or to any of the Jsoc Committee:
Jonah Miller Year 10 Beevor's
Jolie Sharpe Year 10 Paull's...
Thomas Jacobs Year 12 McGill's
Joseph Masri Year 12 McGill's
Daniel Harris Year 12 Kennedy's Natasha Tasha-Adalia Liv Livingston Year 13 Paull's
Matthew Hoenig Year 13 McGill's
Nick Davis Year 9 Leeman's
Zak Berg Y12 Riding's
Brandon Wolmark Y12 Riding's
Josh Walker Y12 Riding's
Gabe McManus Y7
Fraser Ingram Y8

Find JSoc on facebook at: