Flora RH Richards

31 Haiku Decks

Copy of Inclusion

Copy of Inclusion

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Aldenham Film Club 2017

Aldenham Film Club 2017

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Education, Business, Events, How To, Art and Design

Hello everyone!

Here's a link to the form to show your interest in Film Club http://bit.ly/Aldfilmclub

Aldenham Film Club has been running on a weekly basis for 3 years and this is the second year we have run a film making day for Year 9. The top 30 students by effort were invited to take part, so Y8 it could be you next year! What we’re going to show you today 5 short films. We haven’t got time to show you all the films but you can find everything we’ve created on the Aldenham Film Club Vimeo Channel.

Students were given some training on filmmaking and storytelling by Sophie Burrows, our Programme Coordinator at Into Film, the charity who support our Film Club, and then with some strict guidelines, students created short films around the theme ‘The Surprise’. The films were then judged by Sophie and the results are here for you all to see. We’ll applaud them all at the end.

Firstly the Special Commendation goes to the film ‘Money Doesn't Cause Happiness’ Made by Adem, Elliot and Michael, Sophie said this film was particularly commended for its creative use of camera angles and continuity editing, which was 'spot on'. PLAY ‘Money Doesn't Cause Happiness’

Third Place was given to ‘Zarty’ Made by Abi, Myles, Rebekka and James which particularly commended for its use of colour and cinematography. PLAY Zarty

Second Place was given to the film ‘Psychopathic Eric’ Made by Abbasali, Javier, Louis and Eric in the starring role. Sophie said this film was particularly commended for its use of sound and interesting camera work. PLAY ‘Psychopathic Eric’

First Place A Musical Fate Patrick, James, Misha and Hassan who said this film was particularly commended for its creative story and editing. PLAY A Musical Fate

Shuj, Stan and Zac worked on a special extended filmmaking project which they’re going to tell you about now.

While this isn’t the Oscars, I do want to say a few, very quick thank yous To Mrs Evagora for the use of her classroom to Miss Martin and Mr Riley for their support and supervision over the day, to Mr Williams and Dr Mepham for supporting the Film Club as part of their work on the Activities Programme and finally to Mr Pulman for his effortless Trips Week organisation, without whom none of this would happen.

Well done everyone, can we show our appreciation the staff and to all our filmmakers.

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JSoc Summer Party!

JSoc Summer Party!

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Jewish Resources

Jewish Resources

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Models of Revelation

Models of Revelation

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Cover Page for Teaching Judaism Resources

Cover Page for Teaching Judaism Resources

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Israel beyond the stereotypes 17 05 2017

Israel beyond the stereotypes 17 05 2017

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Shabbat Chapel Talk 08 05 2017

Shabbat Chapel Talk 08 05 2017

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Eco Kashrut Jsoc 27 04 2017

Eco Kashrut Jsoc 27 04 2017

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Chocolate Seder 30 03 2017

Chocolate Seder 30 03 2017

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Understanding Pesach April 2016

Understanding Pesach April 2016

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Purim Party 2016

Purim Party 2016

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JSoc Social Media & Relationships

JSoc Social Media & Relationships

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Judaism & Reggae

Judaism & Reggae

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Using Data Effectively

Using Data Effectively

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JSoc Sukkot 2015

JSoc Sukkot 2015

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JSoc slides for Prep school assembly on Sukkot, the Jewish Harvest Festival and the symbolism of the Sukkah (harvest dwelling) and the Arba Minim, the 4 species which are taken together and waved as part of an ancient rain dance.

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Jsoc Sport and Terrorism 10.9.15

Jsoc Sport and Terrorism 10.9.15

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Events, Education

First JSoc of term Sport and Terrorism Thursday Week B 10.9.15

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

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Brahmanical Faiths

Brahmanical Faiths

13 Slides199 Views

Education, Travel and Lifestyle, Art and Design, Inspiration

Spirituality resource for Religious Studies, beautiful images of World Religions useful for department open days Introductory lessons and so on.

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Abrahamic Faiths

Abrahamic Faiths

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Education, Travel and Lifestyle, Art and Design, Inspiration

Abrahamic Faiths Introduction resources for Judaism Christianity and Islam - useful for department open days and introductory lessons and so on.

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TeachAldenham INSET 2015

TeachAldenham INSET 2015

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Education, Events, How To, Inspiration

Resources for Inset Day 1 September 2015 TeachAldenham, Teaching and Learning for the Aldenham Foundation.

TeachAldenham.com Blog What? A wordpress website which publishes articles about Teaching and Learning from the Senior School, Prep School and St Hilda’s, sharing good practice across the Foundation. Where? Subscribe on TeachAldenham.com to receive updates to your inbox or check the portal/ academic/staff only for announcements. When? The aim is to publish short articles, weekly during term time. Why? Excellent CPD. Opportunity to reflect and share our ideas, successes and to seek support. How? Have you found an interesting education article online? Tell us why and email it to us so we can share it!
Why not write a short article for us? More info here http://tinyurl.com/TeachAldWriteforUs

CPD Library What? Education books and articles for you to borrow and read on diverse topics including Teacher Training, Leadership, Pedagogy Where? Top of the stairs in the common room

Our first TeachMeet #TMAld May 2014 Led by Nicola McEwan, we ran our first, informal ‘unconference’ for teachers across Hertfordshire. Read more here http://tinyurl.com/TMAld

Peer Observations http://tinyurl.com/TeachAldPeerObs Creating a culture of open doors, sharing and learning from one another. If you’d like to be on the list of people happy to be observed, email me.

Breakfast Club What? Short, informal, morning CPD discussions (previous topics have included Starters and Plenaries, Revision techniques and Quality Writing) Where? Sixth Form Lounge When? Thursdays Week A 7.50am for breakfast 8-8.20am for CPD, Discussion and Bring & Share 17 September 1 October 15 October 12 November 26 November Why? Free Breakfast! To learn informally from other colleagues Future topics include: Quality Numeracy, What’s the Point of Prep? How can I use education data effectively? Collaborative tools for learning eg. Google forms I have another suggestion! Fill in this complete the survey: http://tinyurl.com/TeachAldenhamSurvey to help us plan

Have your say! We value your feedback. Help us plan topics for future training and CPD Please complete the survey: http://tinyurl.com/TeachAldenhamSurvey

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Silent Debate

Silent Debate

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World Religions

World Religions

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Education, Travel and Lifestyle, Art and Design, Inspiration

Spirituality resource for Religious Studies, beautiful images of World Religions useful for department open days Introductory lessons and so on.

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Jsoc all welcome

Jsoc all welcome

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Education, Events

practice jsoc poster

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Education, Inspiration

What is Jihad and the Crusades? With links to TrueTube and Crash Course videos. #rechatuk #war #peace #justice

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Copy of Brain Rules

Copy of Brain Rules

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12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School.

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Aldenham Film Club 2015

Aldenham Film Club 2015

1 Slide95 Views

Education, Business, Events, How To, Art and Design

Hello everyone!

Here's a link to the form to show your interest in Film Club http://bit.ly/Aldfilmclub

Aldenham Film Club has been running on a weekly basis for 3 years and this is the second year we have run a film making day for Year 9. The top 30 students by effort were invited to take part, so Y8 it could be you next year! What we’re going to show you today 5 short films. We haven’t got time to show you all the films but you can find everything we’ve created on the Aldenham Film Club Vimeo Channel.

Students were given some training on filmmaking and storytelling by Sophie Burrows, our Programme Coordinator at Into Film, the charity who support our Film Club, and then with some strict guidelines, students created short films around the theme ‘The Surprise’. The films were then judged by Sophie and the results are here for you all to see. We’ll applaud them all at the end.

Firstly the Special Commendation goes to the film ‘Money Doesn't Cause Happiness’ Made by Adem, Elliot and Michael, Sophie said this film was particularly commended for its creative use of camera angles and continuity editing, which was 'spot on'. PLAY ‘Money Doesn't Cause Happiness’

Third Place was given to ‘Zarty’ Made by Abi, Myles, Rebekka and James which particularly commended for its use of colour and cinematography. PLAY Zarty

Second Place was given to the film ‘Psychopathic Eric’ Made by Abbasali, Javier, Louis and Eric in the starring role. Sophie said this film was particularly commended for its use of sound and interesting camera work. PLAY ‘Psychopathic Eric’

First Place A Musical Fate Patrick, James, Misha and Hassan who said this film was particularly commended for its creative story and editing. PLAY A Musical Fate

Shuj, Stan and Zac worked on a special extended filmmaking project which they’re going to tell you about now.

While this isn’t the Oscars, I do want to say a few, very quick thank yous To Mrs Evagora for the use of her classroom to Miss Martin and Mr Riley for their support and supervision over the day, to Mr Williams and Dr Mepham for supporting the Film Club as part of their work on the Activities Programme and finally to Mr Pulman for his effortless Trips Week organisation, without whom none of this would happen.

Well done everyone, can we show our appreciation the staff and to all our filmmakers.

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Making Business 'Kosher'

Making Business 'Kosher'

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Education, Business, Events

Publicity for planned event with Rabbi Mark Goldsmith and Mufti Abdul Kadir Barkatullah at Aldenham School 2015 - 2016

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Jsoc Summer Party

Jsoc Summer Party

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Education, Events

Jewish Society Summer party advert

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Why be ethical in Business?

Why be ethical in Business?

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Education, Business, Events, How To, Inspiration

Tuesday 19 May Lunchtime RS2

Rabbi Mark Goldsmith speaks on 'Why be Ethical in Business?'

Bio: http://www.alyth.org.uk/about-us/our-clergy/

All welcome.

Falafel lunch provided. RSVP to Mrs Richards FRHRichards@aldenham.com

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