Family Development Theory
- It is an approach to studying families, which is useful in explaining patterned change, the dynamic nature of the family and how change occurs in the family life cycle.
- Families move over time through successive stages
The Life Cycle:
- The family life cycle divides the family experiences into two stages over the life span and describes changes in family structure and roles during each stage.
- Development tasks are the growth responsibilities that arise at certain stages in the life of the family
Jean Piaget:
- How one perceives the world in developmental stages
- Believed that people moved through stages of development that allow them to think in new, more complex ways
Erick Erikson:
People go through different stages of conflict at different ages
the best known was the 8-stage model outlined by Duvall and Hill
Married couples (no children)
Childbearing families (oldest child aged birth to 30 months)
Families with preschool children (oldest child aged 2½ to 6 years)
Families with school children (oldest child aged 6 to 13 years)
Families with teenagers (oldest child aged 13 to 20 years)
Families launching young adults (stage begins when oldest child leaves home and ends when youngest child leaves home)
Middle-aged parents (stage begins with empty nest and ends at start of retirement)
Aging family members (stage begins with spouses' retirement and ends at their deaths)