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Connection of different parts of the world, share same cultures


With the Colombian exchange, our worlds culture spread real quick, including Greek culture. And it will be the same, after 100,200 years later, we continuously, study of different cultures.

Example: ancient Greek culture, for instance, spread across much of southwestern Asia, northern Africa, and southern Europe.

This is connected to religious. Because Jesus and Christians are brought from Colombian Exchange. So now they still respect it.


Communication also helped to speed globalization, because learning another language helped to talk to other persons from around the world. It's good for business, education, and etc.

Example: In seconds, people are able to respond to natural disasters that happen thousands of miles away.

This is connected to social. Because, all people have friends, who come from another country. So, social helps them to talk, and to be close.
Photo by Yosh Ginsu


Traveling is important for some people. They need to go another country to find jobs or live. But some people, like tourists, visits the country to see their beautiful landscapes, or statues.

Example: Millions of people take vacations to foreign countries.

This is connected to letter A. Because like, people see one picture with different ideas, they see the nature see with different ideas. And they learn from it.


Some cultures are popular than others. Like Korean foods, Japanese books. They're are around the world. It helps to understand, that countries eat this kinds of foods, or drink, and this kind of movies. For Japanese manga or anime, they also include they're cultures, like for the school, every year they do school festivals, and this helps for some people, how Japanese schools, have their traditions.

Example: People in the United States enjoy listening to South African music and reading Japanese comic books.

This is connected to letter I. Because, this affect society by seeing and reading Japanese books, movies and foods. A lot of people go to Japan just to see their beautiful lands, and statues.
Photo by br1dotcom


Economics is really in globalization, without economics we can't get other countries clothes, and pencils, which is made in Shanghai, so without pencils we can't write. It also helps us to do business.

Ex: To increase trade, many countries have created free trade agreements with other countries. Under free trade agreements, countries agree to remove trade barriers.

This is connected to the letter E. because the governments, build something and they trying to make the country better place. We know that they got money from selling products. But we don't know like how actually they get.


Politics also, is good for globalization. Because, countries like US welcomes all the people, from around the world. And for some people, it's really good for them to be in US. Working with different counties people, and getting to know them. For school, that's important, our school, welcomes all. Kids should know how Asian or Europe pop else celebrate their holidays.

Ex: They work together to open their borders to allow the movement of money and people needed to keep economic globalization working.

This is connected to the letter P. Because people who runs the store, might have power to,start a war.
Photo by rawpixel.com

Getting to know each other and working together, in business and family

Photo by Vox Efx

Some people don't like to be with the different skin types. And that could repeat the history.

Photo by quinet

The U.S., Russia and China - ego, mistrust and nationalism

In article it talked about, US and China's relationship, and how US spending $54 billion on military, against North Korea. Meanwhile Russia prepares for the power the military, like Soviet Union.


I think this is bad for globalization because some countries might have misunderstanding, or hatred. And it could cause a war.

This is connected to the letter E and P. Because, we don't know hoe North Korea get their money's, and how they bicultural their nuclear bomb. Not just North Korea but also US and Russia too. Don't know what they're going to do after this.




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