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Industrial Revolution

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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  • 1733- flying shuttle first tech breakthrough that lead to more inventions. 
  • 1785- Edmund Cartwright's power loom made weaving easier and faster.
  • 1781-Steam engine was the most crucial technology. It powered the machines.
  • 1797 Eli Whitney's interchangeable parts sped up production process.
  • 1835-  Samuel Morse's telegraph made communication faster.


  • People came to the city because:
  • More possible income
  • More job opportunities
Photo by aresauburn™


  • Long hours- Usually 12 or more hours
  • Dangerous machines
  • More employees, lower wages
  • No breaks
  • Strict and immediate observation

Corporate Leaders

  • John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company
  • Andrew Carnegie’s Carnegie Steel
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt’s New York Central Railroad System
  • J.P. Morgan’s banking house
Photo by Great Beyond

in the 1800s

  • 20% of the population lived in the city
  • Most people lived in the rural area.
Photo by carpetfibers

Women and Children

  • They worked just like the men, but with lower wages.
  • They were another source of income to the household.
  • They both provided labor in factories for a cheap price.
  • Women and children were no longer staying at home.
Photo by Homer 5004

Social Class

  • Upper: Prominent owners of monopolies and corporations
  • Middle: Factory managers, Service people, and businessmen
  • Working: Miners and Factory workers.
  • Women and Children were mostly in the Middle or Working
  • Middle and Working had the most people.

Trade Union

  • Provided better working conditions
  • Provided higher wages
  • This was all a gradual process
  • Goal was to make employers pay attention to employees' needs and interests.
Photo by drakegoodman