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Japanese Feudal System

Published on May 31, 2016

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Japanese Feudal System

Similarities and Differences with Europe

Feudal Pyramid in Japan

The Feudal Age Japan

  • Local lords could raise and train armies of samurai.
  • They collected taxes from people on their land called shoen. (similar to fief)
  • For over 200 years- until 1853 Japan was cut off from the outside world.
  • The isolation has given Japan very distinct traditions and outlooks. (Harmony)
Photo by Peter Glyn

Feudal Age Japan Continued

  • The societal structure does not depict the same harmony.
  • Every person in Japanese society has higher or lower status compared to another person.
  • See Feudal Pyramid for structure
Photo by Tatters ❀


Simply a figure head with no political power- descendant of Sun God


A military ruler of Japan- held all political power


A great feudal lord who swore alleigance to the Shogun, and owned land
Photo by


Warrior who swore allegiance to the Daimyo, and given land for Loyalty
Photo by Tojosan


Used to be a Samurai, social outcast.


Farmers and Fishers made up 90% of population. Higher status than merchants.


Sold other people's goods

Lowest of Low

No rights at all, didn't fit in any category
Photo by Geert Orye

Similarities between Europe and Japan

  • Paid allegiance to Lord
  • Granted land in return for loyalty (Fief or Shoen)
  • Warriors- Samurai and Knights, both have a code of honor
  • Tiered system of society
  • Only upper class owns land (Nobles and Daimyo)
  • Peasants work the land

Similarities between Europe and Japan

  • Paid allegiance to Lord
  • Granted land in return for loyalty (Fief or Shoen)
  • Warriors- Samurai and Knights, both have a code of honor
  • Tiered system of society
  • Only upper class owns land (Nobles and Daimyo)
  • Peasants work the land

Differences between Europe and Japan

  • King had power (E) but Emperor did not. (J)
  • Christianity (E) Buddhism, Confucianism (J)
  • Nature praised in art and literature (J) Religion in art and Lit (E)
  • Peasants at bottom (E) Peasants had more respect and not bottom of society (J)
  • Gave food to the church (E) Gave food to Shogun (J)


a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.