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If you LOVE the look of no clutter and things are not your thing, you might be a 'Minimalist' Organizing Personality!

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Minimalist Organizing Personality Style

Published on Nov 18, 2015

http://bit.ly/flowformula - Are you a Minimalist organizing style? Master the dimensions of #time and #space! Get more #productive using your natural #flow formula! http://bit.ly/flowformula


A Minimalist...

dislikes clutter and avoids it
If you LOVE the look of no clutter and things are not your thing, you might be a 'Minimalist' Organizing Personality!

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Are you a 'Minimalist' Organizer?
We all have natural behaviors regarding the use of time and how we organize the spaces we inhabit.

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Do You Pass on Free?

even if the items are unmatched?
#Minimalist organizing personalities typically choose items for a purpose. Free stuff doesn't really excite them.

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Photo by kenjonbro

Do you let items go

even when they are treasured?
A true #Minimalist organizing personality will often let go of items on a cleaning binge... even when those items have significant sentimental value.

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You might be a Minimalist
Organizing Personality

Minimalist's believe that 'any clutter is a sign of a disorganized life'!

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Does open space inspire you?

In their effort to manage tension, Minimalists get rid of items. They love the feeling of open space.

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Is Sentimental

meaningful to you?
Minimalists desire to have less usually outweighs their emotional attachment to items.

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Photo by Threthny

Does Having Less Help?

fewer distractions, fewer decisions
A Minimalist's desire to have less usually outweighs their emotional attachment to items. (This can be trouble if the items belong to others!)

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Photo by Leo Reynolds

If you're a 'Minimalist'
you should...

Minimalists are really happy with less, but, items let go in haste can have a downside...

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Photo by marfis75

Avoid Deciding For Others

stick to your own stuff...
You'll want to avoid making decisions for others about their stuff.

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Don't Throw Away Too Soon

Be sure you know an items value
It is okay to let it go if you no longer need it, love it or use it... Honest. But if you're unsure about an item's value, put it aside for a few weeks or months and decide later.

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Photo by John Carleton

Choose Sleek Decor

Spaces should appear open & uncluttered
Seek decor that matches your style with plenty of open space.

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Photo by urbaneapts

Sort to Organize

By color, type, size or category...
Create basic sorting systems to codify items as they come in. This will help you master your space and feel more organized.

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Buy A Label Maker

You'll thank me as soon as you open it
Buy a label maker (remember the batteries!)
This one item will make you happy every time you use it!

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Photo by mattcornock

Use Labels Everywhere

Categorize by color, type, size or usefulness...
Label everything. This one simple technique makes #Minimalists happy!

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Embrace your style to create a more pleasing
life experience. #flow

Once you identify your space preference – are you an Everything Out™, Nothing Out™, Minimalist™, Saver™, Straightener™, or No Rules™ Style Preference, any change starts with self acceptance. Once there, you can begin to take steps to integrate more Flow Steps into your experience.

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Photo by rishibando

to resolve tension
and restore freedom
regardless of your personality preferenes

Flow Steps help you resolve your tension both in the dimensions of time and space. When you know what your natural preferences are, you can begin to take style-specific steps to integrate more Flow into your experience.

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Arrange Space
the way you like it

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference and how you arrange space... So you can arrange, display or conceal items, as you like.

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Photo by Ian Sane

Understand what your clutter is saying...

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) provides a scored report for you unique style mix. It helps you understand your clutter and work with, instead of against yourself.

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Determine what items are most important to you

Your scored report gives you suggestions to help you work with preferences to help you evaluate and prioritize items. This helps you take steps to declutter.

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Photo by N-ino

Enhance Workflow & Manage Your Experience

By learning about your preferences, you can make the most of your style to increase flow in your life. Knowing more about yourself helps you successfully manage your inner experience.

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Embrace YOUR
Unique Style Personality (Your Flow Formula)

EMBRACE your natural personality style!
Make it work for you – take the Time & Space Style Inventory™

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Be Yourself!

Be organized, timely & productive!
When you know what makes you tick, you can free yourself from the chains of disorganization and inefficiency... and finally make time for your life!

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Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Enjoy Your Life!

Life is like a box of chocolates... Isn't it time you really started to enjoy it?

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Photo by ninacoco

For Professionals Too

If you're a pro... use it with clients
The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preferences to successfully manage your time and organize your space.

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Find your flow formula with TSSI™

For Your Flow Formula Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Or contact me! info@sanespaces.com
Photo by SolomonVipe