Cena Block

I help high performers restore biz-life sanity! Get organized, reclaim your time and automate so you make money while you sleep (or play, or do more of what you love!) http://bit.ly/SanityVids

16 Haiku Decks

Cliff Hanger Time Management Style

Cliff Hanger Time Management Style

16 Slides208 Views1 Haifive

Business, Education, How To, Personal

Manage Time Your Way! You can master time your way!

To do so, you need to know your own time management personality style, then prioritize, manage and take action according to your time personality preferences.

There are 6 Time Management Personality Styles! What are yours?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

TSSI is an online assessment tool created by Sane Spaces, LLC - @sanespaces.com

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Link to Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/CdO-weQr-1U

Impulsive Time Management Style

Impulsive Time Management Style

16 Slides218 Views1 Haifive

Business, Education, How To, Personal

Manage Time Your Way! You can master time your way!

To do so, you need to know your own time management personality style, then prioritize, manage and take action according to your time personality preferences.

There are 6 Time Management Personality Styles! What are yours?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

TSSI is an online assessment tool created by Sane Spaces, LLC - @sanespaces.com

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Link to Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/CdO-weQr-1U

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Perfectionist Plus Time Management Style

Perfectionist Plus Time Management Style

20 Slides123 Views2 Haifives

Business, Education, How To

Manage Time Your Way! You can master time your way! What you need to know is your own time management personality style, then prioritize, manage and take action according to your time personality preferences.

There are 6 Time Management Personality Styles! What are yours? To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO TSSI is an online assessment tool created by Sane Spaces, LLC - @sanespaces.com