MYP4 Unit 2 L&L
PRESENTATION OUTLINERelated Concepts: Self-Expression Structure Global Context: Identities & Relationships Statement of Inquiry: Self-expression in the form of literature uses common structures which help communicate identities and relationships such as love and hate. Factual Question: What is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet? Conceptual Question: How can one discern whether a poem is largely positive or negative? How can one discover the authors purpose? Debatable Question: Do we have the ability to choose how we perceive and feel about the world? HOmework Find a list of the Command Terms for MYP Language and Literature Review your "Personal Philosphy" reflection question, see if it needs any additional information RESHARE your Reflection Journal with me. Free Time Homework (or other projects hint hint) Read, read, read Journal, Journal, Journal Create something beautiful Quiet English conversations Haiku Deck Pro User