MYP4 Unit 2 L&L

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MYP 4 Unit 2

Language and Literature
Photo by Dusty J

Love vs Hate

Photo by PG.NETO

Related Concepts:

Photo by jnyemb

Global Context:
Identities & Relationships

Photo by JD Hancock

Statement of Inquiry:
Self-expression in the form of literature uses common structures which help communicate identities and relationships such as love and hate.

Factual Question:
What is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet?

Photo by __andrew

Conceptual Question:
How can one discern whether a poem is largely positive or negative? How can one discover the authors purpose?

Photo by juhansonin

Debatable Question:
Do we have the ability to choose how we perceive and feel about the world?


  • Find a list of the Command Terms for MYP Language and Literature
  • Review your "Personal Philosphy" reflection question, see if it needs any additional information
  • RESHARE your Reflection Journal with me.
Photo by Vermin Inc

Free Time

  • Homework (or other projects hint hint)
  • Read, read, read
  • Journal, Journal, Journal
  • Create something beautiful
  • Quiet English conversations

See you tomorrow!

Photo by Rusty Russ


John Bullock

Haiku Deck Pro User