All of us procrastinate. We put things off that we know we need to do. For many, the word “procrastination” conjures up the idea of being lazy, which implies a value judgment - if you procrastinate, you’re doing a bad thing. Procrastination is undesirable when it makes us play small and keeps us from living a richer and more fulfilling life.
Have you worked on something at the last possible minute? What was that like? Have you had difficulty accomplishing important tasks because of interruptions? What were the results? Have you felt too tired to start something new, even if the task was important? How did that feel?
In this deck, you'll learn why we procrastinate and 7 ways to beat it!
Having problems sleeping?
Relying on coffee and energy drinks to make it through the day?
You have always heard that sleep was important for recharging your body and resting your mind. But every night, you toss and turn, struggling to sleep.
I will show you how to:
Fall asleep quickly
Stay asleep all night
Wake up refreshed and feeling great
I will teach you the biohacks you need to sleep well, every single night.
In just seven days, I can show you how to take back your sleep. No drugs. No sluggishness. You will learn to use your body’s natural systems to achieve a sleep that you haven’t had since you were a child.
We will tackle the physical, environmental, and mental issues that are preventing you from falling asleep. At the end of one week, you will have all the tools you need to sleep well every night for the rest of your life.
Learn more at